Radio Naturopath Episode 418: Salves for Muscles and Joints, Lesser Known Herbs for Lyme Disease

This week, I updated on my orthopedic condition and did some show-and-tell of some topical products that are helpful for musculoskeletal issues. I kept the brands out of it but discussed the ingredients! Cooling ingredients like menthol and camphor, soothing ingredients like lavender, tendon and joint balms like arnica, frankincense, myrrh, and even goldenrod! Then, I discussed some less commonly known herbs for Lyme disease. Friday and Saturday, November 10-11 is the LymeBytes conference in Mystic, and I'll be attending the Saturday sessions, so I'm looking forward to learning lots more!


Radio Naturopath Episode 419: Long COVID and Low Serotonin, Weight Loss Surgery


Radio Naturopath Episode 417: My Favorite Supplements: Magnesium, Curcumin, Fish Oil, Resveratrol, Olive Oil