Radio Naturopath

Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 427: Treating Lyme and Coinfections with Buhner Herbs; Sarcopenia

Today I talked about focusing on treating Lyme disease with herbs using the Buhner protocol. Stephen Buhner was instrumental in elaborating specific herbs that work on different issues with tick borne illness. Some of the herbs support immunity; some are antimicrobial; some are nutritive; some are antioxidant and neuroprotective. These herbs tend not to upset the digestive system the way that antibiotics do. They also tend not to produce or maintain persister cells, that is Lyme cells that are able to evade the immune system using biofilm proteins or round/encysted forms. It takes a lot of herbs but in my experience it's worth doing! We also managed to start next week's topic of sarcopenia, losing muscle mass past age 50. We'll elaborate more on that next week. 

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Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 418: Salves for Muscles and Joints, Lesser Known Herbs for Lyme Disease

This week, I updated on my orthopedic condition and did some show-and-tell of some topical products that are helpful for musculoskeletal issues. I kept the brands out of it but discussed the ingredients! Cooling ingredients like menthol and camphor, soothing ingredients like lavender, tendon and joint balms like arnica, frankincense, myrrh, and even goldenrod! Then, I discussed some less commonly known herbs for Lyme disease. Friday and Saturday, November 10-11 is the LymeBytes conference in Mystic, and I'll be attending the Saturday sessions, so I'm looking forward to learning lots more!

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Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 352: LymeBytes 2022 Conference Review: All About Tick Borne Illness

Last Saturday and Sunday, May 21-22, 2022, was the first LymeBytes conference at Mohegan Sun in Uncasville, Connecticut. It was a very informative conference with many speakers and lots of information! I learned about antimicrobials to fight Lyme and other tick borne illnesses. We talked about antibiotics, herbs like cryptolepis and cat's claw, and how mold can complicate tick borne illness. We talked about lots of therapeutics, but also the importance of simple healthy living and eating, and resting! Lyme and tick borne illness won't stay in a body that is very healthy.

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