Radio Naturopath

Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 470: Long Haul Lyme, Sunscreen and Exfolation, Hot Cocoa and Other Hot Drinks

Today I reviewed my most recent naturopathic visit and my ongoing plan to help my chronic Lyme. I'm in  it for the long haul! I reminded people not only to hydrate in the cold weather, but to apply sunscreen and lip balm with SPF,  because you can still get wind and sunburned in cold weather. We also talked about some lovely hot beverages to enjoy this time of year, including hot cocoa, golden milk, and tea, and their benefits.

And we talked about the incidence of osteoarthritis in the US.

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Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 464: More Lyme Herbs, Healthy Halloween Treats, Fall Vegetables

This week, I talk about my new naturopath, Marisa Houser, N.D., and the advice she gave me about my Lyme protocol. A few new herbs and a few less supplements! Lots of good advice and tidying up. I also talked about healthier ways to experience Halloween, like having your sweets after a healthy meal so you're less likely to binge, and make sure to drink water with your sweets so the sugar doesn't stick around and give you cavities! You can also get healthier versions of treats at the health food store, and also make creative scary Halloween treats out of fruit! We also began to talk about healthy fall vegetables and we'll pick up with that next week. 

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Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 448: Supplements for Hypertension, Healing Lyme Summit 2024

This week, I talked about the no-charge Healing Lyme Summit that is being presented by Myriah Hinchey, N.D., and Richard Horowitz, M.D., a virtual summit that can be viewed from June 4-10, 2024. There's lots of talks about protocols and treatments to help with healing from Lyme. There's also opportunities to connect with other folks who are dealing with Lyme in various ways: patients, caregivers, family, and practitioners. Lots of great information! It's available at

I also moved along with supplements to help with hypertension, and will talk more next week!

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Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 444: CNPA Conference 2024: Crohns/UC, Cancer, Ticks, Herbs for Heart Health

This week, I am fresh from the Connecticut Naturopathic Phyiscians Association conference. So much to learn! I did a redux of the first few talks. We started with inflammatory bowel disease, moved on to natural treatment of cancer, then tick borne illness, then a great talk about herbs for cardiovascular disease. I am so grateful to my colleagues for putting together such helpful, informative talks!

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Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 427: Treating Lyme and Coinfections with Buhner Herbs; Sarcopenia

Today I talked about focusing on treating Lyme disease with herbs using the Buhner protocol. Stephen Buhner was instrumental in elaborating specific herbs that work on different issues with tick borne illness. Some of the herbs support immunity; some are antimicrobial; some are nutritive; some are antioxidant and neuroprotective. These herbs tend not to upset the digestive system the way that antibiotics do. They also tend not to produce or maintain persister cells, that is Lyme cells that are able to evade the immune system using biofilm proteins or round/encysted forms. It takes a lot of herbs but in my experience it's worth doing! We also managed to start next week's topic of sarcopenia, losing muscle mass past age 50. We'll elaborate more on that next week. 

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Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 425: Israel/Palestine, Hanukkah, More LymeBytes

This week, I talked about my perspective on the Israel/Palestinian conflict, mostly about how our Jewish, Arab, Muslim, and Palestinian friends are struggling right now. The majority of people just want PEACE, and for there to be a solution that stops all the killing and hate. We need NOT to enact anti-Semitic and anti-Muslim/Arab/Palestinian sentiment in this country. We are struggling right now! Then I talked about Hanukkah, the joyous celebration, and why we eat latkes and other oily things. I guess stirfry counts! I finished with reviewing the last bit of information I gleaned at the LymeBytes conference. Conferences are so great; you get so much information but it takes a while to process it all!

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Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 424: Sleep and Melatonin, Collagen and Joints, More LymeBytes

This week, I talked about how the best time to go to sleep is when your cortisol is lowest and your melatonin is highest, which for most people is somewhere between 8 and 11 pm, depending on when you get up and your genetics. If you go to bed too late, your cortisol is starting to rise and melatonin is starting to drop and it's harder to fall and stay asleep! I also talked about how collagen and natural anti-inflammatories are beneficial for joint and disc repair. Then I continued to review and give information gleaned from the LymeBytes conference. I'll do that for one more week and then we'll move on!

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Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 418: Salves for Muscles and Joints, Lesser Known Herbs for Lyme Disease

This week, I updated on my orthopedic condition and did some show-and-tell of some topical products that are helpful for musculoskeletal issues. I kept the brands out of it but discussed the ingredients! Cooling ingredients like menthol and camphor, soothing ingredients like lavender, tendon and joint balms like arnica, frankincense, myrrh, and even goldenrod! Then, I discussed some less commonly known herbs for Lyme disease. Friday and Saturday, November 10-11 is the LymeBytes conference in Mystic, and I'll be attending the Saturday sessions, so I'm looking forward to learning lots more!

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Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 413: My Lyme Protocol, 10 Minutes of Meditation, Yin Yoga, Yoga Nidra

This week, I updated once again on my health. My orthopedics are much better, and my nervous system is better since I started treating for...LYME DISEASE. We reviewed what I"m taking, and will review more about Lyme herbs in the coming weeks.

Today we talked about things to calm you down. Why meditation is good for you, and also yin yoga, and yoga nidra. And NO, you DON'T need to spend an hour a day doing them. It's better to spend 10 minutes most days doing any practice of stillness than going somewhere to spend an hour at it only occasionally!

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Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 220: More Hydration in the Heat; The Latest on Lyme

It's July 10, so that means that my sister Nancy turns 52, Playing Card Year! She'll get a pack in purple, her favorite color, and I'm wearing it today.

It was 90 degrees on this day, so I talked about hydration. Good ol' coconut water, trace minerals, salt, plain old water, sport drinks. Also taking cayenne or other hot stuff or pickle juice to abort cramps! It's a good thing to repeat.

Ron has Lyme Disease so we're trying to figure out what will help him kick it for good. He got his antibiotic changed after 7 weeks of the standby, doxycycline, to cefprozil, a cephalosporin. Meanwhile, he's taking a bunch of other things: Samento and Banderol to kill the spirochete in all its forms; resveratrol; adaptogenic herbs for his adrenals; oregano oil; humic and fulvic acid to bind toxins; and silver nanoparticles to further kill the organism, both internally and topically on his swollen knee! It's taking way too long but we're working on it.

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