Radio Naturopath Episode 371: Help For Septic System, COVID-19, RSV, and Flu: Prevention/Care

Radio Naturopath Episode 371: Help For Septic System, COVID-19, RSV, and Flu: Prevention/Care
Fran Storch

The reason I didn't make a new show last week is because after a busy, somewhat stressful weekend, our septic system backed up! So, because stress reduction and using the bathroom are both definitely naturopathic topics, I discussed our lessons learned and remedies for prevention of septic backup. Hint: 3 and 4 ply, non-biodegradable, fluffy toilet paper used by cute bears is NOT good for septic!

Back to COVID-19. I talked about how mass gatherings are still spreading it, but how people are generally not getting as sick with the Omicron variants that predominate. With copious disclaimers, I discussed some basick naturopathic self-care that can help to prevent and reduce the severity of infection. I also began a discussion of influenza, including whether people might want to get vaccinated against it. More information next week!