Radio Naturopath

Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 386: You May Still Want To Protect Yourself From COVID-19

This week, we talked about our update coming out of COVID-19, and how we might still want to protect ourselves from getting it. People are not as concerned about it as they once were, since more people who get it now how some kind of immunity, whether through vaccination or past infection. But if you DON'T want to catch it because you're concerned about your health or for someone you care about who you'll be around, you still may want to protect yourself! Here's some things to consider.

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Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 371: Help For Septic System, COVID-19, RSV, and Flu: Prevention/Care

The reason I didn't make a new show last week is because after a busy, somewhat stressful weekend, our septic system backed up! So, because stress reduction and using the bathroom are both definitely naturopathic topics, I discussed our lessons learned and remedies for prevention of septic backup. Hint: 3 and 4 ply, non-biodegradable, fluffy toilet paper used by cute bears is NOT good for septic!

Back to COVID-19. I talked about how mass gatherings are still spreading it, but how people are generally not getting as sick with the Omicron variants that predominate. With copious disclaimers, I discussed some basick naturopathic self-care that can help to prevent and reduce the severity of infection. I also began a discussion of influenza, including whether people might want to get vaccinated against it. More information next week!

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