Radio Naturopath

Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 372: Is the Pandemic Over? Flu Shot? Natural Cold/Flu Remedies!

Today we talked about the nice weather and the coming dark. Then we launched into whether the pandemic is really over, and it turns out it's not a simple answer. The World Health Organization and the CDC don't announce it. It's basically over when people start acting like it's over, whether or not there are still a lot of cases out there. In that sense, it's kind of over. But people are still catching COVID-19, and some are getting very ill with it. We're each left to our own discretion as to how we handle it. We discuss how one might do that.

Should you get a flu shot? Maybe. Probably. Are there natural ways to manage the cold and flu season? Of course. There are no guarantees but there are great ways to manage your path through the season. Hint: don't throw out those masks yet. Here's some natural remedies to help you through!

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Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 371: Help For Septic System, COVID-19, RSV, and Flu: Prevention/Care

The reason I didn't make a new show last week is because after a busy, somewhat stressful weekend, our septic system backed up! So, because stress reduction and using the bathroom are both definitely naturopathic topics, I discussed our lessons learned and remedies for prevention of septic backup. Hint: 3 and 4 ply, non-biodegradable, fluffy toilet paper used by cute bears is NOT good for septic!

Back to COVID-19. I talked about how mass gatherings are still spreading it, but how people are generally not getting as sick with the Omicron variants that predominate. With copious disclaimers, I discussed some basick naturopathic self-care that can help to prevent and reduce the severity of infection. I also began a discussion of influenza, including whether people might want to get vaccinated against it. More information next week!

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Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 201: New Blood Test for Alzheimer's Plus Natural Treatments; Get Rid Of That 4 Week Cough and Cold

I was inspired today by none other than Maria Shriver on the Today Show, who talked about a new blood test for Alzheimer's disease. She didn't go into as much detail as the article I found, so when I looked it up I found that it's the NFL test. Very appropriate for the upcoming sporting events! But it stands for NeuroFilament Light chains. I went to look in Quest Diagnostics where I order my labs, and it's not offered there. There's definitely a couple of companies that do it but I don't know if I have access to them. Quanterix does it but I don't know who has access to it. Anyway, it's a breakdown product of neuronal tissue. The more you have, the more likely you are to have brain neurodegeneration! If you have the genetic, early onset Alzheimer's, your levels will rise over time. If you have the non-genetic, they'll stay about the same. There are natural ways to head off the development of Alzheimer's, so I went through a bunch of them. One of them is EAT YOUR COCONUT OIL. It makes you smart!

Also, so many people have that cold or cough that just won't go away, so I gave out advice to help with that. Eucalyptus! Echinacea and goldenseal! Vitamins A, C, E, Zinc! Thin your mucus with guaifenesin, NAC, and bromelain! 

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Radio Naturopath Episode 152: Natural Medicine at the Drugstore; Staying Healthy in the Cold; Itchy Eyes

I took a little jaunt to the local drugstore and see what they had for herbal medicine. I found some nuggets: you DON'T have to get Vic's Vapo Rub which has PETROLEUM JELLY in it; there's a couple of brands which have shea butter, beeswax, and coconut oil in them, and no petroleum products! Also, I found shower tabs that fizz on your shower floor and smell like eucalyptus. And natural honey cough syrup, which works better than many pharmaceutical compounds! Speaking of which, guaifenesin tabs and liquids without other stuff in it are fine, as long as the only active ingredient is guaifenesin. It's a natural mucus thinner! Also, I read the Town of Mansfield's advisory about the cold, where the warming centers are, and their advice on staying warm. And I answered a call for help with itchy eyes! Whatever you put in them, make sure it's STERILE, although eyebright and black teabags don't necessarily have to be. 

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