Radio Naturopath

Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 426: Too Much Caffeine and Sugar, Maintaining Healthy Bones and Osteoporosis

This week, I talked about how overdoing caffeine and sugar can be problematic, as it is for me. I explained the mechanism, how the neurotransmitters and the energy-slowing compound adenosine play into the highs and lows of caffeine use. Some people break down caffeine quickly, and don't have a problem. But some break it down slowly and can have a variety of symptoms. If you have autonomic dysfunction, like POTS, it can make the whole thing worse!

Then I moved on to more topics on aging, in honor of my just-passed 60th birthday. Today I focused on bone density and how to healthfully protect yourself from osteoporosis and fractures. Good nutrition and exercise are where it's at!

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Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 335: Hunker Down to Beat Omicron, Supplements for Bone Density

Today we talked about the origins of the word Hunkering Down! Who knew it was Scottish for hanging out in a squat? We also talked about some other weather terms, like sheltering in place and riding out the storm. Interesting! We had a listener write in wanting to know if she needed calcium supplements for osteopenia, so we did a bone density redux. And then we talked about the latest on the Omicron COVID-19 variant and ideas on how to proceed currently.

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