Radio Naturopath

Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 396: Aging in Men, Health Goals, Enviro Toxins, Stress Reduction

This week was Part 3 of CNPA Conference Redux! This week, the featured speakers were Geo Espinosa who spoke about aging in men; Carissa Fioritto who discussed health goal-setting and used redirecting from weight loss as an example; Kira Halak who discussed the toxicity of PFAS and other environmental toxins; and Doni Wilson who talked about managing stress and even the benefits of ayahuasca! Fascinating stuff.

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Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 394: 2023 CNPA Conference: Allergies, Psoriasis, Acne, mTOR and Aging, MK-4 for Osteoporosis

This week, I am fresh from the 2023 Connecticut  Naturopathic Physician's Association Conference (CNPA). My brain is full and I'm beat! But now I know more and feel inspired, so here's a little bit of what I learned. It'll likely take a few shows to get through the information! This week: Todd Borne and allergies; Eugene Zampieron and psoriasis; Peter Bongiorno and mTOR and aging. Plus, MK-4 is the only form of Vitamin K2 studied to both increase bone density and prevent fractures. Thanks, John Neustadt!

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Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 223: More on Lyme and CT Incidence, Hashimoto's, and Babesiosis; Insect Repellants; How Stress Affects Your Health

MORE stuff about Ron and his Lyme and Hashimoto's, and also the incidence of Lyme in the state of CT by county. New London has the highest incidence, but we wonder if it's underreported elsewhere. Ron makes the point that there is a lot of effort put into West Nile Virus which has an incidence of 23 cases/year in Connecticut, and less effort into Lyme disease which has 1800+ reported cases! And remember that these are the properly REPORTED cases, where the doctors have been presented with a state reporting form AND have managed to fill them out and send them back in. I made sure to encourage everyone to use bug spray, whether natural with essential oils, Bio UD from tomatoes, or even DEET if you must! I also make the point that the danger of antibiotic resistance is far outweighed by the need to eradicate a tick borne disease from a person, which can go on to have lifelong consequences, especially musculoskeletal and neurological.

We also talked about how stress affects your health. It can, of course, affect every system in your body, from headaches to digestion to muscle pain! And some suggestions to help.

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Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 193: COPD and CRPD: Help Your Lungs; Thanksgiving Foods That Are Good For You!

RND 193 is about COPD and CRPD, chronic obstructive and restrictive pulmonary disease. We discuss what they are and how to help, but it's not easy. They come as the result of years of lung injury, from smoking, poor air quality, industrial exposures, and/or genetics. There are some natural medicines that can help.

And, 6 Thanksgiving foods that are good for you and why! Turkey, cranberries, green beans, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, apples.

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