Radio Naturopath
Radio Naturopath Episode 478: B Complex and Your Stomach, Menopause and More Comfortable Sex!
This week I talked about B vitamins. Sometimes taking specific B vitamins can cause stomach upset, and you have to figure out which ones are bothering you. Sometimes it's best to take a food based vitamin; sometimes a methylated blend; sometimes specific ones separately; and sometimes just get them from food! We help to sort this out. I then went on to discuss something very important to folks of a certain age: how to make sex more comfortable! Hormones, lubes, restorative activities, we lay it on the table.
Radio Naturopath Episode 467: Osteoarthritis: What It Is and How To Help It
I went to the orthopedic physician this week and I wanted to give an update on my experience. I would say it was relatively positive! There's no rush to give me injections or surgery, and I am to use exercises to strengthen my knees. I talked about what osteoarthritis is and various ways to treat it, both conventionally and naturally. This week: collagen, curcumin, and injections, and riding my bike!
Radio Naturopath Episode 424: Sleep and Melatonin, Collagen and Joints, More LymeBytes
This week, I talked about how the best time to go to sleep is when your cortisol is lowest and your melatonin is highest, which for most people is somewhere between 8 and 11 pm, depending on when you get up and your genetics. If you go to bed too late, your cortisol is starting to rise and melatonin is starting to drop and it's harder to fall and stay asleep! I also talked about how collagen and natural anti-inflammatories are beneficial for joint and disc repair. Then I continued to review and give information gleaned from the LymeBytes conference. I'll do that for one more week and then we'll move on!
Radio Naturopath Episode 416: POTS Advice, Vitamin C, Bedrotting and Stress, Cryptolepis for Immunity
I then discussed the health benefits of getting plenty of Vitamin C from food and supplements. Reduced gout, improved collagen, lower blood pressure, better immunity. All terrfic things! And, there is a Gen Z TikTok trend called BED ROTTING. I'm a fan! There are naysayers who say it will prevent people from accomplishing more, but I think the point is that people are already trying to accomplish too much. Hanging out in bed is great for your sanity! Then I got started on a newer-known herb for Lyme and immunity, cryptolepis. More on Lyme herbs next week!
Radio Naturopath Episode 411: Supplements for Joint Repair and Neuropathy
This week we reviewed how my back and disc are steadily improving, and how the nerves seem to be reconnecting. Shout out to all the practitioners whose care and support made it happen!
We talked about some great supplements that help with neuropathy, and how they work. Things like certain B vitamins, fish oil, and lipoic acid. We also talked about other supplements that help to rebuild joints, like glucosamine, chondroitin, and collagen.
Radio Naturopath Episode 406: Spinal Stenosis, Herniated Discs and How to Help Heal Them
This week, of course, we talked more about spinal stenosis, which I hope I don't have. I'm guessing I don't because I did not have nerve symptoms until about 2 weeks ago, so mine is from an acute injury. There's a lot that you can do shy of getting surgery, which often has a 4-6 week recovery time and risks. You can stretch, ice, heat, take anti-inflammatory meds, eat an anti-inflammatory diet, do yoga, meditate, do yoga nidra, go to the chiropractor, get massage, acupuncture, and much more! When a nerve is involved IT JUST TAKES TIME. And I am impatient! Who wants to be in pain and laid up? Anyway, I'll do all the things, and report back.
Radio Naturopath Episode 354: What's Good and Bad For Your Skin, Bursitis Part 1
Today we finished up on why some things are bad for your skin, and things to eat to improve your skin. Turns out, those things are good for your general health, and the skin is a window into the rest of your health! Don't exfoliate too much, drink you water, eat your produce. We also began a discussion of bursitis, a painful condition that affects a lot of people, and can be helped by natural medicine. We'll get more in depth next week!
Radio Naturopath Episode 322: Nuts, Collagen, Arthritis and Nutrition
This week, I had a question from a listener about whether it's better to soak nuts before eating. The answer: Ideally, yes, but it's better to eat un-soaked nuts than not at all, unless you have a sensitivity to them. I don't like to make it harder for patients to eat healthy foods if they're in the habit of eating a lot of processed foods. Once they're eating a good complement of healthy foods, then we can discuss whether it's a good idea to soak, sprout, or ferment nuts. For some people, that would be a deal breaker because of the extra time and effort!
I also have been frequently asked whether it's useful to take collagen supplements, and we discuss. For some people it can be very helpful! We distinguish between collagen and general protein supplements. Because collagen is so helpful for joint pain and arthritis, we discuss nutrition to reduce and help arthritis pain.
Radio Naturopath Episode 318: Move It or Lose It: Osteoporosis: Keep Your Bones!
This week I was on my own, and I focused on osteoporosis. I talked about what it is, incidence, prevalence and treatments. I talked about the different pharmaceuticals that are used to help it and how they work. I also talked a lot about lifestyle, especially exercise, diet, and supplements that can be helpful. It's not just all about calcium!
Radio Naturopath Episode 259: Wear Your Mask, Screen Time and Health, Insect Repellant, Repairing Your Joints
This week, once again I cautioned people about running out too soon and continuing to take coronavirus seriously. I cautioned about wearing masks and wearing them correctly, respecting others' comfort level, and using caution about gathering in large groups.
We also discussed ways that screen time can be bad for you! Did you know that many adults spend as much as 11 hours/day looking at screens? This would be especially true if your job requires it. It can affect the emotional development in kids, and the ability to pay attention in anyone. So limit screen time and find ways to enjoy the IRL world!
We reminded folks once again that when you're outside you need to be mindful of ticks, and the good things that can act as natural insect repellants. Also, a nice review of current supplements that can help to repair joints.