Radio Naturopath
Radio Naturopath Episode 434: Health Benefits of Sex, Increase Libido Naturally
Here's a popular topic, why sex is good for you health! From reducing anxiety and depression to improving cardiovascular function to improving muscle strength and flexibility, sex has a lot to offer. We also talk about natural ways to increase sex drive and performance. We also get started on how caffeine can be problematic and will pick that up next week!
Radio Naturopath Episode 433: Health Benefits of Chocolate, Foods and Exercises for Better Sex
This week I just HAD to get in my yearly chocolate is good for you show! Cocoa flavonols are good for so many things: blood pressure, protection against various elements of cardiovascular disease, mood enhancement, and sex drive. There are numerous foods that help with sex drive and performance so we talked about those too! Not to mention exercises that help. We'll get more into the health benefits of sex next week!
Radio Naturopath Episode 335: Hunker Down to Beat Omicron, Supplements for Bone Density
Today we talked about the origins of the word Hunkering Down! Who knew it was Scottish for hanging out in a squat? We also talked about some other weather terms, like sheltering in place and riding out the storm. Interesting! We had a listener write in wanting to know if she needed calcium supplements for osteopenia, so we did a bone density redux. And then we talked about the latest on the Omicron COVID-19 variant and ideas on how to proceed currently.
Radio Naturopath Episode 318: Move It or Lose It: Osteoporosis: Keep Your Bones!
This week I was on my own, and I focused on osteoporosis. I talked about what it is, incidence, prevalence and treatments. I talked about the different pharmaceuticals that are used to help it and how they work. I also talked a lot about lifestyle, especially exercise, diet, and supplements that can be helpful. It's not just all about calcium!
Radio Naturopath Episode 196: Erectile Dysfunction: Cardiovascular and Hormones Naturally
Here are the facts about erectile dysfunction and improving sexual health for men. Of course, I talk about improving cardiovascular health with diet, exercise and stress reduction, and improving hormonal health in the same way. There are some supplements and herbs that can be helpful. But it's like a lot of things, diet, exercise, and stress reduction!
Bicycle Talk Episode 112: Why You Should Stretch; The Awesome Steeple Chase Bike Tour; Check Your Cables; 8 Great Cross-Training Sports for Cyclists
I talk about why cyclists need to STRETCH: realign those muscles! The Positive Side is about how great the Steeple Chase Bike Tour was. The Maintenance Minute: check, adjust, and replace your cables BEFORE they break! And, 8 great sports for cross-training for cyclists.