Radio Naturopath Episode 281: Natural Fracture Healing, Happy Thanksgiving!
Fran StorchThanksgiving, Fracture, boneset, comfrey, Vitamin D, magnesium, Vitamin k2, parathyroid, thyroid, calcium, broken bone, sling, screws, sweet potato, turkey, cranberry, potato
Radio Naturopath Episode 280: CDC on How COVID-19 Is Spread; It's 11:11; Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding
Fran Storchelection, Biden, Trump, CDC, COVID-19, spread, dropletes, elderberry, fomites, 11:11, dysfunctional uterine bleeding, endometriosis, uterine fibroids, uterine polyps, adenomyosis, erigeron, secale, sabina, ustilago, yarrow, shepherd's purse, cranesbill, Vitamin A, Vitamin K1, Liver, probiotics, fiber, constipation, magnesium
Radio Naturopath Episode 279: Election Day Stress, Humidity in Your Home, Get More Rest
Fran Storchelection, Trump, Biden, Harris, Pence, stress, anxiety, naps, rest, phone banks, social media, humidity, hygrometer, mold, dust, dust mites, pollutants, allergies, asthma, viruses, bacteria
Radio Naturopath Episode 278: Happy Halloween! COVID-19 Uptick in CT; Is It Allergies Or Is It COVID-19?
Fran StorchCOVID-19, coronavirus, Halloween, allergies, allergic rhinits, mold, dust, dust mites, heating ducts, firewood, HEPA filter, turmeric, vitamin C, Vitamin D, nettles, eyebright, quercetin, holy basil, rhodiola, eleuthero, ginseng, ashwagandha
Radio Naturopath Episode 277: Should You Get The Flu Shot? Feeling Down? Maybe It's Acedia
Fran StorchAcedia, Zecher, Flu, influenza, flu shot, vaccination, thimerosal, mercury, eggs, allergies, allergic reaction, Neti pot, nasal spray, gargle, throat spray, rest, sugar, cortisol, restorative activities, elderberry, zinc, Vitamin C, Vitamin D
Radio Naturopath Episode 276: Dexamethasone and the President; How to Stay Healthy in the Autumn; Happy Canadian Thanksgiving!
Fran Storchautumn, dexamethasone, steroids, catabolic, anabolic, roids, cortisol, sympathetic, sympathomimetic, norepinephrine, epinephrine, dopamine, amphetamine, methamphetamine, cocaine, mometasone, budesonide, fluticasone, prednisone, blood sugar, Canadian Thanksgiving, Canada, carotenoids, carotene
Radio Naturopath Episode 275: The President Has COVID-19; Overweight/Obesity and COVID-19 and Risk Reduction
Fran StorchCOVID-19, Trump, President, White House, irresponsible, masking, failed, overweight, obesity, risk, fish oil, olive oil, avocado, nuts, walnuts, almonds, hazelnut, produce, fruit, vegetables, anthocyanins, magnesium, curcumin, ginger, boswellia
Radio Naturopath Episode 274: COVID-19 and Aerosol Spread; Swimming and Health, Uterine Fibroids, Gray Hair
Radio Naturopath Episode 273: COVID-19 and Variolation, Iodine and COVID-19, High Fiber Foods for Health
Fran StorchCOVID-19, variolation, vaccination, inoculation, masks, masking, Monica Gandhi, Monica Gandhia, M.D., George Rutherford, UConn, Iodine, Povidone-iodine, aerosols, aerosolization, fiber, soluble, insoluble
Radio Naturopath Episode 272: COVID-19: Sorting Out the Statistics, Testing Recommendations, The Bradykinin Theory and How to Calm Yours
Fran StorchCOVID-19, coronavirus, statistics, 6%, comorbidities, Scott Atlas, testing, bradykinin, Polyphenols, anthocyanins, aloe, pecan, hazelnut, berries, grapes, red wine, cocoa, chocolate