Radio Naturopath Episode 261: Avoid Large Gatherings; Hydrate in the Heat; Why Fruit is Good For You, Especially Strawberries and Watermelon
Fran Storchsuperspreader, masks, COVID-19, CORONAVIRUS, heat wave, hydration, electrolytes, electrolyte drink, fruit, strawberries, watermelon, lycopene, carotene, citrulline, anthocyanins, ellagic acid, ellagitannins
Radio Naturopath Episode 260: Asymptomatic Spread of COVID-19, Sunburn: Foods, Supplements, and Sunscreen, Bugs: Food and Repellant, Eat Your Flowers
Fran StorchCOVID-19, asymptomatic, pre-symptomatic, sunscreen, insect repellant, rose geranium, lemon eucalyptus, edible flowers, nasturtium, comfrey, borage, garlic, beta carotene, carotenoids
Radio Naturopath Episode 259: Wear Your Mask, Screen Time and Health, Insect Repellant, Repairing Your Joints
Fran Storchreopening, masks, social distance, social distancing, screen time, attendtion deficit, ticks, Lyme disease, insect repellant, natural insect repellant, Joints, arthritis, collagen, glucosamine, curcumin, boswellia, bone broth, protein powder
Radio Naturopath Episode 258: Black Lives Matter, Reopen with Caution, Glutathione, Glycine and Selenium
Fran Storchblack lives matter, racism, reopening, COVID-19, social distancing, physical distancing, masks, glycine, glutathione, citrulline, glutamine, NAC, n-acetylcysteine
Radio Naturopath Episode 257: Coronavirus, Leaky Blood Vessels, Hypertension, Obesity, Diabetes and Clots
Fran Storchcoronavirus, COVID-19, leaky blood vessels, hypertension, high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes, clots, inflammation, citrulline, nitric oxide, beets, watermelon, cocoa, Flavanols, ACE inhibitors, ACE2, ARBS, angiotensin receptor blockers
Radio Naturopath Episode 256: Stop Calling It Lockdown; A View of the Bakersfield Doctors; Why Sourdough Bread is Good For You
Fran Storchlockdown, social distancing, physical distancing, pandemic, COVID-19, coronavirus, Bakersfield, Kern County, population density, mask, handwashing, sourdough, starter, bread, gluten free, lactic acid, acidophilus
Radio Naturopath Episode 255: Coronavirus and Masking; Where We Stand; Foods That May Block Corovirus Cell Binding
Fran Storchcoronavirus, COVID-19, carbonated, seltzer, thymoquinone, black seed oil, olive leaf, hydroxytyrosol, chlorgenic acid, carrots, apples, coffee, tea, linoleneic acid, flaxseed oil, flaxseeds, soy, soybean, tempeh, tofu, peanuts, beans
Radio Naturopath Episode 254: Coronavirus and Clots, Studies on Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin, WHO's Coronavirus Myths
Fran Storchcoronavirus, COVID-19, curcumin, leafy greens, essential fatty, coronavirus myths, coronavirus mythbusting, ginger, resveratrol, alcohol, wine, hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin, garlic, sage
Radio Naturopath Episode 253: Melatonin, Sleep and Coronavirus; Why Daylight Savings Time is Bad for You; Eat Your Veggies!
Fran Storchsleep, coronavirus, COVID-19, melatonin, sleep hygiene, caffeine, coffee, tea, theanine, GABA, skullcap, passion flower, valerian, daylight savings time, Melatonin, hormones, B vitamins, serotonin
Radio Naturopath Episode 252: Happy 4/20! Cannabis, Coronavirus, Inflammation; Obesity in the USA
Fran Storchcoronavirus, COVID-19, cannabis, marijuana, 4/20, Waldos, CBD, cannabidiol, inflammation, cytokine, pandemic, obesity, overweight