Radio Naturopath
Radio Naturopath Episode 143: Energy in the Waning Light, All About Vitamin K
The light is waning and your energy may be going with it. Hormonally, that's normal! It's OK to slow down, do activities in short bursts with more rest. Also, all about Vitamin K, both K1 and K2! How they help with blood clotting, preventing calcifications, mineralizing teeth, building bones, and preventing cancer. Also, how to get them in food. K2 is mostly in animal protein, but as a vegan, natto!
Radio Naturopath Episode 142: Vitamin E, Mixed Tocopherols and Tocotrienols: Help for Cardiovascular, Immunity, Hormones and More!
Did you know our friend, vitamin E, otherwise known as d-alpha tocopherol, and his buddies, gamma- and beta-tocopherol, and their friends the Tocotrienols, are just WONDERFUL? Great for fighting cancer, helping the immune system, regulating hormone function, and reducing cholesterol and improving cardivascular health! Such a great vitamin, it deserves its own show. It's mostly in VEGAN stuff! The best sources are sunflower seeds and almonds, but there's a lot in most nuts and seeds! We talk about the biochemistry of E too. https://5886e4ebcbc837d13f8e-
Vitamin D: The Sunshine Vitamin That Helps With Mood, Pain, Cancer Prevention, and Much More!
Vitamin D is VERY important. There are Vitamin D receptors in every cell in your body. Of course, it's important for calcium and magnesium absorption and metabolism. But did you know it's important in mood, pain, immunity, and fighting cancer? Also, really it's a HORMONE, because our bodies make it from cholesterol, and it's converted to active vitamin D3 by sunlight! We address how much time you should spend in the sun vs. taking a supplement.
Radio Naturopath Episode 140: Increasing Red Blood Cells After Babesiosis; All About Vitamin C!
Time to learn all about Vitamin C! It's ASCORBIC ACID or ASCORBATES. This important water soluble vitamin can't be synthesized by our bodies, so we have to eat it. It's part of the structure of collagen, so it's part of every tissue and organ. It stimulates the function of the immune system, so it helps with allergies, asthma and illness. It's a cofactor for detoxification. It can be found in citrus, but also in other cool foods, like peppers, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, strawberries, acerola cherries, and rose hips! Let's spread some vitamin C to the world! Also, we talk about how to get that red count up after a bout with Babesiosis.
Radio Naturopath Episode 139: ABC's of Vitamins: Vitamin A and All Those B's
This week we start in on the ABC's of vitamins! Since there's so much to discuss, and there are a LOT of B vitamins, I only got through A (including beta carotene and all the mixed carotenoids) and B. But they're REALLY important, especially for immunity, energy, hormone regulation, and blood sugar metabolism! Stay tuned to Radio Naturopath as we work our way through the alphabet! http://5886e4ebcbc837d13f8e-597f4ed4ea6895a41e2bd2978eb66730.r56.cf5.rackcdn.com/radionaturopath/Radio_Naturopath_Episode_139_9-6-17.mp3
Radio Naturopath Episode 138: Help for Cold, Flu, and Tummy Bug Season!
What goes along with the beginning of the school year? COLDS, FLUS, and STOMACH BUGS. A reminder to get outside for your immunity and health, and simple ways to prevent them, including hand washing, neti pots, and good food. Also some ways to fight them once they arrive, and how your immune system works.
Radio Naturopath Episode 137: Fat Loss, The Right Diet is Your Diet, Why and How Exercise Aids Fat Loss (Not Just Calories!)
Today I got interested in fat loss, again. There's a saying that fat loss is 70% in the kitchen, but I don't know how scientific that is. Clearly, fat loss is aided in great part by regular exercise, because people who keep weight off exercise on the average 1 hour/day. The National Weight Control Registry mentions 9 things that people who successfully keep off 30 or more pounds have in common, and it's not one specific diet! I also discuss the physiological specifics on why exercise helps fat loss, and it's not just about burning more calories. Stuff like: they weigh themselves weekly, they follow a program, they don't follow a program, they made a significant change in their initial diet. So, get moving!
Radio Naturopath Episode 136: North Korea, Charlottesville, Motherwort, Goldenrod, and the Total Eclipse
In order to be happy and healthy, you have to have a happy healthy environment in the world. I had a bad week of listening to media and being very frightened at the prospect of nuclear war between the US and North Korea. Then I was shocked to find that the day before the supposed missile launch, RADIO SILENCE. On the DAY of missile launch, somehow Kim Jon Un stood down. I felt like I'd been taken on a roller coaster ride of emotion by the media. This, followed by the White Supremacist rally in Charlottesville, accusations abounding, the horrific murder by car of Heather Heyer, an activist, by a white supremacist at the rally, and then our president's subsequent mishandling and hateful rhetoric around the event. I vowed to take a media break and listen to some Jimmy Buffet and Grateful Dead! And take calming herbs like Motherwort, and anti-inflammatory ones like Goldenrod. And go revel in my friends and family and the wonderful nature all around us. Speaking of nature, today is a good day to observe, but maybe not go into, the waters at the coast, since there will be some great surf thanks to Hurricane Gert! (We're already up to G, who knew?) And Monday, a great time to safely view the Total Eclipse of My Heart, I mean the Sun, with safety glasses or a homemade cardboard eclipse viewer! So, thank goodness, Gaia, aside from what we've done to her, is still mostly intact.
Radio Naturopath Episode 135: Mosquitoes and You, Deep Venous Thrombosis, Get Thee To The Farmers' Markets
This week, everyone should know just why mosquitoes love them, and if you don't exactly love them back, how you can (herbally) ask them to go away. Lemon Eucalyptus anyone? Also, beware of Deep Venous Thrombosis! It can happen to you if you're not careful, and there are ways to prevent it. And, get thee to the farmer's markets, and eat thee of the absolutely fresh, nutritious, fantastic produce out there!
Radio Naturopath Episode 134: Diverticulitis, WHY and HOW to Get Started with Exercise
Michele from Tolland called and asked me to talk about diveriticulitis, so I waxed eloquent about the subject, and even explained the difference between diverticulITIS and diverticulOSIS. Then, a treatise on WHY and HOW to get started with exercise! It reduces morbidity and mortality AT LEAST from heart disease, diabetes, obesity, mood, and much much more!