Radio Naturopath
Radio Naturopath Episode 445: Helminths, Naturopathic History, Natural Hormone Replacement
This week, I had MORE to talk about from the CNPA conference. So much great stuff! I started with Lyme disease causing arrhythmias. Lindsey Wells talked about the use of HELMINTHS, yes, WORMS, as a probiotic treatment epecially in the autism spectrum, and for PANS and PANDAS. Then we moved on to a GREAT talk from my friend and classmate Lorilee Schoenbeck all about the history of naturopathic medicine. Way to get inspired again! Then Robyn Kutka gave a great talk about natural hormone replacement therapy. Seems we don't need to be as cautious as we thought, and it can be very helpful!
Radio Naturopath Episode 432: Lyme/Bartonella and Antibiotics, Natural Help for That Winter Cold
This week I talked about how I went to The Dark Side, and added an antibiotic to my Lyme/Bartonella protocol. I wanted to go after the active organisms that were nagging at me and giving me more tremors. I am continuing to take my Buhner herbs and modified citrus pectin, and added saccharomyces boulardii for extra protection. So far so good! Somewhat less tremors and better mood. I still don't feel done but I understand this is a long haul.
Ron has a cold, and so far I don't! I thought it was timely to discuss how to prevent and treat colds. The usual: rest, nutrition, hydration, Epsom salt baths, herbs and vitamins, neti pot, nasal spray, gargle, the Wet Sock Treatment and throat compress. Do less stuff and take it easy!
Radio Naturopath Episode 387: Help for Colds and Flus 2023
This week we delved more into the cold and flu season, which is not over, and gave various recommendations for prevention and treatment. This doesn't get old, because we keep catching these things, COVID or not! One teaser: MUSHROOMS. Eat them! They are great immune boosters.
Radio Naturopath Episode 386: You May Still Want To Protect Yourself From COVID-19
This week, we talked about our update coming out of COVID-19, and how we might still want to protect ourselves from getting it. People are not as concerned about it as they once were, since more people who get it now how some kind of immunity, whether through vaccination or past infection. But if you DON'T want to catch it because you're concerned about your health or for someone you care about who you'll be around, you still may want to protect yourself! Here's some things to consider.
Radio Naturopath Episode 244: Prevent and Treat the Coronavirus Naturally; Why Chalcones, Pomegranate, and Turmeric Are Good For You
The whole Coronavirus thing is scary. It’s a new strain that hasn’t been seen in humans before, 2019-nCoV. It likely came from an animal vector from a market where exotic animals are purchased for food. This virus is good a mutating and evolving, which is why so many people can catch it. However, you’re much more likely to catch influenza, a cold or the flu! There is no vaccine against coronavirus at this time. So, the best way is to do the usual antiviral prevention: clearing nose, hands, and throat, avoiding processed food, sugar and starch, and too much alcohol and caffeine; get rest, and take certain herbs and supplements. Nothing really exotic!
I also shared some clinical pearls. Learn about chalcones for inflammation, turmeric, and pomegranate.
Radio Naturopath Episode 201: New Blood Test for Alzheimer's Plus Natural Treatments; Get Rid Of That 4 Week Cough and Cold
I was inspired today by none other than Maria Shriver on the Today Show, who talked about a new blood test for Alzheimer's disease. She didn't go into as much detail as the article I found, so when I looked it up I found that it's the NFL test. Very appropriate for the upcoming sporting events! But it stands for NeuroFilament Light chains. I went to look in Quest Diagnostics where I order my labs, and it's not offered there. There's definitely a couple of companies that do it but I don't know if I have access to them. Quanterix does it but I don't know who has access to it. Anyway, it's a breakdown product of neuronal tissue. The more you have, the more likely you are to have brain neurodegeneration! If you have the genetic, early onset Alzheimer's, your levels will rise over time. If you have the non-genetic, they'll stay about the same. There are natural ways to head off the development of Alzheimer's, so I went through a bunch of them. One of them is EAT YOUR COCONUT OIL. It makes you smart!
Also, so many people have that cold or cough that just won't go away, so I gave out advice to help with that. Eucalyptus! Echinacea and goldenseal! Vitamins A, C, E, Zinc! Thin your mucus with guaifenesin, NAC, and bromelain!