Radio Naturopath

Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 426: Too Much Caffeine and Sugar, Maintaining Healthy Bones and Osteoporosis

This week, I talked about how overdoing caffeine and sugar can be problematic, as it is for me. I explained the mechanism, how the neurotransmitters and the energy-slowing compound adenosine play into the highs and lows of caffeine use. Some people break down caffeine quickly, and don't have a problem. But some break it down slowly and can have a variety of symptoms. If you have autonomic dysfunction, like POTS, it can make the whole thing worse!

Then I moved on to more topics on aging, in honor of my just-passed 60th birthday. Today I focused on bone density and how to healthfully protect yourself from osteoporosis and fractures. Good nutrition and exercise are where it's at!

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Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 330: Home Physical Medicine, Women's Probiotics, My Current Take On The Pandemic

This week, we talked about just a few things: Ron had a slip and fall injury about two years ago, hit his head, his right shoulder blade, and maybe more. He got checked out at the ER to see if he had a concussion and they sent him home. He hasn't been getting regular care for his resultant, ongoing shoulder pain due to cost. We talked about some things he could do at home to help with pain and healing. We also mentioned some probiotics that can be helpful in protecting against vaginitis in women. We finished with the current status of the pandemic. Ron went on a bit of a rant in that too many people aren't wearing masks in indoor public spaces, and if they would it would go a long way to calming down the pandemic. We were in a very good place in Connecticut with low case numbers in the summer and then they shot up again since the cold weather has come. Some schools have even gone to remote learning because of case numbers. it's exhausting and frustrating! We go through some of the reasons and things that can help.

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Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 326: 2021 NHAND Highlights Part 2: Natural Help for Viruses, Senior Fitness, Brain Fog, Hiatal Hernia

This week, we did Part 2 of the highlights of the 2021 NHAND conference. We talked about natural help for viruses and summarized a talk about one doctor's use of natural medicine for COVID-19; about why fitness is important for seniors; about brain fog; and about hiatal hernias. We also filled in with a few tidbits about cherries for gout and the Mediterranean diet.

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Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 318: Move It or Lose It: Osteoporosis: Keep Your Bones!

This week I was on my own, and I focused on osteoporosis. I talked about what it is, incidence, prevalence and treatments. I talked about the different pharmaceuticals that are used to help it and how they work. I also talked a lot about lifestyle, especially exercise, diet, and supplements that can be helpful. It's not just all about calcium!

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