Radio Naturopath
Radio Naturopath Episode 456: Tooth Decay Prevention: Hydroxyapatite vs. Fluoride
This week, it was all about the teeth: hydroxyapatite vs. fluoride toothpaste for your teeth. Which is better? In the end, they both protect teeth from decay, cavities, and sensitivity. But some people don't want to go near fluoride because of possible toxicity. If kids swallow it, it can cause fluorosis and weakening of the teeth and bones. So, is hydroxyapatite just as effective? Listen and find out!
Radio Naturopath Episode 376: Added Sugar and Health, Natural Sugar Alternatives
This week I talked about how added sugars can affect your health. Mostly, it's not good. However, if you ask people to avoid them completely, they usually have difficulty with compliance. So, we talked about how sugar can adversely affect you, what an optimal amount of added sugar looks like, and even some myths around sugar. Then we talked about some healthy natural sugar substitutes. Avoiding them completely is not practical, so here's some guidance!
Radio Naturopath Episode 232: Estriol and Vaginal Dryness, Enamel-Building Toothpaste, Natural Help for Eye Diseases
This week, we once again checked in with Ron to see how his surgery is healing, and sounds like all is going well! We talked about what supplements he is taking and also SHOULD be taking. I answered a question from email about estriol and vaginal dryness, Also, are those enamel-building toothpastes really worth it? And all about eye disease and natural help, like macular degeneration, cataracts, presbyopia, and glaucoma.
Radio Naturopath Episode 144: Health Hazards In Firefighting and Construction; Holistic Psychiatry; Fluoride for Cavities
I have become aware that there is a high incidence of cancer and death among firefighters, and that most of the firefighters and construction crew that worked on the World Trade Center after 9/11 are ill or deceased. I talk about possible solutions for firefighters to protect them from the airborne toxins they face while fighting fires and also the construction workers who clean up after them. SAUNAS IN THE FIREHOUSES! Also, my dream for holistically oriented psychiatric facilities, with healthy, organic food, massage and acupuncture, rest, and energy medicine. I can dream, right? Also, a discussion of the pros and cons of fluoride for cavity protection.