Radio Naturopath
Bicycle Talk Episode 109: Riding with Souplesse and Finesse and Getting Mad Skills; TCC Century; High Intensity Intervals for Performance, Health and Weight!
Ron is away so today I talked about bicycles! My Frant was about speed over finesse,. fast over souplesse! It's all about the beauty and grace of riding a bicycle. You can go fast with souplesse, but a lot of people don't. I encourage people to work on their skills and simply enjoy the pleasure of being on a bicycle! I also shouted out to the Thread City Cyclers for putting on a great organized ride event this weekend! And, I talked about bicycling and fitness. If you want to lose weight, have a buff body, and have energy, riding too many miles all the time is not the way to get there. However, cutting back on quantity for quality (there's that theme again) is the way to go! Doing short burst intervals, a couple of days of rest or easy rides, and one long ride of 40-60 miles/week will help to get you there.