Radio Naturopath
Radio Naturopath Episode 359: Healthy Coke? How To Save Your Tooth Enamel And Whiten Your Teeth
Today I talked about Healthy Coke, an on-line viral entity that may not be so healthy. It has balsamic vinegar and seltzer, and may not be so good for your teeth, just like regular Coke. So, we talked about ways to save your enamel and help you to have whiter teeth. This includes brushing, other tooth cleaning practices, and foods that are great and not so great for oral health. Probiotics too!
Radio Naturopath Episode 212: Natural Dental Hygiene; How Much Protein Should You Eat?
Since I had my dental checkup today, I talked about basic dental hygiene practices, why they're important, and some new stuff I learned today! Like flossing with cardamom and also calcium phosphate paste, and making sure to drink WATER after eating sweets. And brush your teeth or at least clear your mouth last thing before going to sleep! Also, a protein calculator, and the protein content of various foods, vegan and not!