Radio Naturopath

Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 258: Black Lives Matter, Reopen with Caution, Glutathione, Glycine and Selenium

Radio Naturopath Episode 258
Fran Storch and Ron Manizza

This week, I felt I had to address the recent killing of George Floyd and the riots that are going on. Racism is a public health crisis and puts the lives of black and brown people in danger every day. The pain and anger is compounded by the COVID-19 pandemic, which is also disproportionately affecting people of color. I talked about feeling like I want to stand in solidarity as a white person to help with societal change, and also admonish that people of color should be controlling the narrative. 

I also talked about how since the state of Connecticut is in the first stage of reopening, many people are not taking distancing seriously. This could result in a second wave of illness. There are also those who are not comfortable with the level of relaxing guidelines and have to deal with defending their position. My position is to err on the side of caution.

I also talked about glutathione as it's helpful for coronavirus and general detox, along with glycine and N-acetyl-cysteine. You can mix them into applesauce or make a shake!

Preview for next week: sunscreen and bug repellant!

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