Radio Naturopath

Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 409: Disc Bulge Update, COVID-19 Reminder, Anti-Inflammatory Foods

This week we updated about my injuries, the bulging disc, femoral nerve impingement, and sprain/strained knee. It's TIRING. But, onward with rest, PT, walking, swimming, craniosacral therapy, and supplements. I'm going to start Green Lipped Mussel! Anti-inflammatory and helps to rebuild joints! We also updated about COVID-19; at the moment, cases are pretty low in Connecticut but I have some patients who have been exposed or are catching it. I'm seeing some folks wearing masks in public places, I reminded us all about cleaning our noses and throats, good nutrition, rest, exercise, and a few supplements. Then we talked all about anti-inflammatory foods, like berries, cherries, oily fish, and broccoli!

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Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 372: Is the Pandemic Over? Flu Shot? Natural Cold/Flu Remedies!

Today we talked about the nice weather and the coming dark. Then we launched into whether the pandemic is really over, and it turns out it's not a simple answer. The World Health Organization and the CDC don't announce it. It's basically over when people start acting like it's over, whether or not there are still a lot of cases out there. In that sense, it's kind of over. But people are still catching COVID-19, and some are getting very ill with it. We're each left to our own discretion as to how we handle it. We discuss how one might do that.

Should you get a flu shot? Maybe. Probably. Are there natural ways to manage the cold and flu season? Of course. There are no guarantees but there are great ways to manage your path through the season. Hint: don't throw out those masks yet. Here's some natural remedies to help you through!

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Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 303: COVID-19: Safely Getting Back to Life, More On Asthma

Today I did a short history of Cinco de Mayo, which is NOT Mexican Independence Day, but a celebration of the triumph of the Mexicans over the French at the Battle of Puebla. Still a good excuse to celebrate our Mexican-American friends, and eat tacos, burritos, enchiladas, nachos, and raise a Margarita!

I reviewed the new CDC recommendations about the safety of various activities with or without a mask and whether or not you're vaccinated. The bottom line is, if you have to get near anyone for whom you don't know their vaccination status, wear a mask. The pandemic is not over yet.

I talked some more about asthma as I didn't get to all my information last week. Next week: specifics on exercise-induced asthma!

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Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 273: COVID-19 and Variolation, Iodine and COVID-19, High Fiber Foods for Health

There have been more developments in COVID-19. This week, I talked about the concept of variolation. This is taking from hundreds of years ago where practitioners in the East either powdered dried smallpox scabs and blew powder with a pipe into people's noses, or took fluid from smallpox vesicles and rubbed it into the skin of patients, so that they developed a few small lesions on their skin. In both cases, patients would experience mild illness and then immunity. This is before the process of vaccination was discovered. This process is called "variolation" because smallpox is caused by the variola virus. Well, two physicians, Monica Gandhi, M.D., and George Rutherford, M.D., wrote a paper in the New England Journal of Medicine describing this process, and assert that mask-wearing contributes to variolation. They describe several settings, including factories and cruise ships, in which there was mandatory masking and the vast majority of people got asymptomatic or mild cases of COVID-19. This is very promising, because if there is finally universal mask wearing, more of society can be reopened.

I also talked about a UConn study in which it was found that if people gargle with a 0.5% solution of povidone-iodine for 15 seconds, any COVID-19 is inactivated. This makes it possible that gargling and nasal rinsing with this low concentration of povidone-iodine could significantly slow down rates and severity of infection. This was studied intentionally to help people in the dental industry, where aerosolization of oral fluids is a feature of that work. 

I also talked about some high fiber foods that are good for you!

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Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 271: COVID-19 Safety Reminder, Bowel Habits During Travel, Gout

I gave a review of good COVID-19 safety practices, reminding everyone that the way we're still spreading this virus is spending time with too many people in close quarters, especially indoors and without masks. This is not a great time to go to bars or attend parties, and probably not even to eat in restaurants! The virus will die out without hosts, so if we mask, sanitize, limit how many people we come in contact with, and do it in a safe way, the virus will eventually die out. We are by no means there yet, so all those practices still need to be followed. 

Ron asked a great question: why do my bowel habits change when I travel? Mostly because of the stress of not being in your own, safe bathroom! Also diet change to some extent, but I think it's mostly that we need to feel safe when we're in the bathroom, and the hotel or highway bathroom doesn't cut it!

I talked about gout: what it is, where it tends to occur, how to eat and drink to prevent it, and some meds and supplements that are used. 

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Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 267: COVID-19: Healthy Diet and Exercise to Help Outcomes, No Large Gatherings, Reopening School, Connecticut Travel Advisories

This was all about COVID-19, because leading up to the new school year, there's a lot going on. I talked briefly about Stella Immanuel, M.D., the physician whom President Trump tweeted about, and her support of the use of hydroxychloroquine, zinc, and azithromycin. I didn't talk about discrediting her, although she has some interesting ideas about spirituality and possession. In terms of her concern about the drugs, the answer is somewhere in the middle. On the one hand, hydroxychloroquine is not supposed to be used to prevent COVID-19 infection, but may be part of a cocktail for a hospitalized patient. It's not a miracle drug and doctors will be using a variety of therapies based on the patient's case, which may include this drug. 

On Friday, July 31, 2020 Real Time with Bill Maher aired, and he called out the obese of our nation, and criticized the press and Drs. Fauci and Birx for not promoting the value of exercise and diet for improving the outcome of this pandemic. He thinks that one reason we are not doing well is because as a country, we eat poorly and don't exercise. This is a very complex issue and didn't offer thoughtful solutions, so I suggested some. It's true, we've got to eat better and get exercise!

I'm not a fan of large gatherings, like graduation celebrations, weddings, big parties at this time. When people gather to celebrate, even if the intention is to distance and mask, they don't. Alcohol makes this phenomenon worse. It's my opinion that large gatherings should be postponed until after the pandemic is over. 

I talked about reopening school. Only 16% of Connnecticut teachers want to return to the classroom. My patients who are teachers and school staff are terrified of returning to school. It's been my observation over the years that as soon as school starts, people start coming in with colds and coughs. COVID-19 is going to be worse, since it spreads so readily. I'm even nervous for my practice that asymptomatic patients will come in. 

I finished off with the COVID-19 Travel Advisory for Connecticut. As of July 28, 2020, travelers from only 15 states are allowed to enter Connecticut without quarantining for 14 days. Fortunately, many of them are contiguous, all of New England, and then New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia. The rest are further west: Michigan, Wyoming, South Dakota, Colorado, and Oregon. But before traveling to any of those state, you need to check THEIR travel advisories!

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Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 266: COVID-19: Nasal Spread, Masking and Nasal Cleansing; More Natural Help for Menopause

Today I talked about an actual study that shows that COVID-19 replicates very well in the nose and it's an important vector of spread. It also spreads to the lungs not by migration, but by nasal secretions actually being aspirated into the lungs. I make the case that nasal cleansing is a very good idea, because even if you have the virus, you may kill some of it and clear some of it out. It's very important to GARGLE immediately after nasal cleansing to catch secretions that wind up in the back of the thoat. 

I also continued with the discussion on menopause from last week, and talked about the issues with using natural hormone therapy. I also talked about diet, exercise, rest, supplements for anxiety, and homeopathy.

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Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 263: Wear Your Mask Properly, A History of Hygiene and Health, Diverticulosis/Diverticulitis

Today, I discussed my concern that people are going into shops or in places where masks should be worn and wearing them incorrectly. I saw at least three people in one store with their mouths covered and their noses uncovered. I explained why this is a worthless act and why you need BOTH your nose and mouth covered. I also explained if you have a health or emotional reason why you can't or won't cover both your nose and mouth, the healthful, safe, considerate thing is not to enter the store, nor go to places with crowds where it's difficult to maintain distance. The solution to shopping is either to get curbside or delivery service, or have someone else shop for you!

I gave a history of the advent of hygiene, and how that has helped with our health and longevity. I also talked about diverticular disease!

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Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 261: Avoid Large Gatherings; Hydrate in the Heat; Why Fruit is Good For You, Especially Strawberries and Watermelon

I talked about the folly of the Trump organization having a large gathering where they didn't push mask-wearing, and that this could potentially become a super-spreader event. I continue to encourage people to wear masks in public; more and more studies are showing they really do stop the spread, and that if 90+% of people wore them the virus would die out.

Since we're in our first heat wave of 2020 I encouraged everyone to hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! A short bit on the benefits of water vs. sugar and electrolytes. Then I talked about the health benefits of fruit in general, and specifically strawberries and watermelon. 

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Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 259: Wear Your Mask, Screen Time and Health, Insect Repellant, Repairing Your Joints

This week, once again I cautioned people about running out too soon and continuing to take coronavirus seriously. I cautioned about wearing masks and wearing them correctly, respecting others' comfort level, and using caution about gathering in large groups.

We also discussed ways that screen time can be bad for you! Did you know that many adults spend as much as 11 hours/day looking at screens? This would be especially true if your job requires it. It can affect the emotional development in kids, and the ability to pay attention in anyone. So limit screen time and find ways to enjoy the IRL world!

We reminded folks once again that when you're outside you need to be mindful of ticks, and the good things that can act as natural insect repellants. Also, a nice review of current supplements that can help to repair joints. 

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