Radio Naturopath

Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 442: Muscle Repair, Hypertension, Respiratory Allergies

This week, we found that Ron is plugging along and had a not-so-good day because yesterday he dared to work in the yard. His poor muscles just don't want to be disturbed! We are hoping that this will just take time and he'll be back to his favorite activities soon. As for me, my tremors have been quiet, and I'm hoping that's in part due to the low dose lithium orotate, and that the herbs are working to clear any remnants of tick borne illness! However, I have to face that I have hereditary hypertension. All the supplements and stress-reducing activities are just not working to get my blood pressure into a safe zone. So, I'm going to try a low dose of an angiotensin receptor blocker. My mom and sister are both on blood pressure meds and they work well for them. My mom is also on an ARB but my sister is on a pair of diurectics. I am taking an ARB because they are safer for athletes, in that they don't dehydrate you nor reduce your cardiac output. More about hypertension next week!

It's SPRING, and that means beautiful flowers, trees, and POLLEN! So we did a nice review of what to do for your respiratory allergies. Neti pots, supplements, nasal sprays, foods, we've got it all! 

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Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 429: Lyme and Tick Borne Illness, How to Help Herxheimer Reactions

I'm still dealing with chronic Lyme disease and bartonella. This week we talked about how to handle the dreaded Herxheimer reaction, the symptoms you get while you're killing off Lyme spirochetes, other Lyme forms, and other bacteria. I get these isolated tremors that come and go. We talked about chlorella, other binders like zeolite and activated charcoal, Alka Seltzer Gold, and lemon, lime, and grapefruit! Lots more too. It's a process! 

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Radio Naturopath Episode 140: Increasing Red Blood Cells After Babesiosis; All About Vitamin C!

Time to learn all about Vitamin C! It's ASCORBIC ACID or ASCORBATES. This important water soluble vitamin can't be synthesized by our bodies, so we have to eat it. It's part of the structure of collagen, so it's part of every tissue and organ. It stimulates the function of the immune system, so it helps with allergies, asthma and illness. It's a cofactor for detoxification. It can be found in citrus, but also in other cool foods, like peppers, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, strawberries, acerola cherries, and rose hips! Let's spread some vitamin C to the world! Also, we talk about how to get that red count up after a bout with Babesiosis. 

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