Radio Naturopath
Radio Naturopath Episode 462: L-Carnitine for Muscles and Weight Loss, Irvingia, Autumn Anxiety
This week, I talked about poor Ron and his muscle issues, and realized he might benefit from taking l-carnitine, which will shuttle more free fatty acids into his muscle cells. We're going to get him some and see if it helps! I also talked about autumn anxiety, which happens when people are letting go of the carefree summer and taking on fall responsibilities. And the HOLIDAYS are looming, and it doesn't help that they have Christmas decorations in the stores before Halloween! And then we discussed two weight loss supplements, African mango (Irvingia) and l-carnitine.
Radio Naturopath Episode 373: The Pros and Cons of Sugar
This week we talked about SUGAR, because the eating season has started! Mmmm, Halloween candy. And now Thanksgiving is upon us and it's officially the holiday season. Sirius XM already has its holiday channels playing! So, we talked about the pros and cons of sugar. I've come to the conclusion that if you deprive people completely of sweets, they will crave them and want to eat more. Even people on ketogenic diets have chocolatey goodies with sugar alcohols in them! However, if you eat too much sugar, it can lead to various illnesses, ranging from fatigue and mood disorders, to acne, to heart disease and cancer! So, of course, moderation is key.
Radio Naturopath Episode 368: God Save the Queen, How to Eat for Your Health
This week, I talked about my connection to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. When I lived in Canada, I was a permanent resident so I was able to get Canadian citizenship after 3 years, so I did! Canada is part of the British commonwealth. That means I willingly became a subject of the Queen, and now the King! God willing, in my lifetime I will experience three British monarchs: Queen Elizabeth II, Charles III, and whatever William decides to call himself. I'll be in my 70s when Charles is in his 90s. But Queen Elizabeth has been a cultural icon in so many ways my whole life, through so many eras and political trends! She was always an underlying constant to world culture, from her participation in World War II to the advent of information technology to pop culture. God Save the Queen by the Sex Pistols and Her Majesty by the Beatles come to mind. I can't help feeling sad that this long-standing, intelligent, talented. humorous, kind lady has gone to spend time now with her beloved Phillip. God Save the Queen! Long live King Charles!
Back to health stuff. Today was a good day for an overview of basic healthy eating, with recommendations and suggestions. What's the best diet for you? Same as exercise: the one you'll eat! It IS a good idea if there are a lot of plant-based, high fiber foods in the diet, unless you are on a healthy ketogenic diet and that works for you. But focusing on healthy, whole, unprocessed foods, no matter how you get to eat them, will help to keep you in good heatlh for the long term.
Radio Naturopath Episode 214: The Return of Karl Goldkamp, N.D.: More About Healing with the Ketogenic Diet!
Once again, I interview my friend and colleague Karl Goldkamp, N.D. again, who talks more about the ketogenic diet and how it can be helpful for inflammatory conditions. He also talks about how it works in terms of macronutrients, and the hormones insulin, glucagon and cortisol. It seems that it's not right for everyone but it's EXACTLY right for some. Thought-provoking, radical and interesting!
Radio Naturopath Episode 204: Interview with Karl Goldkamp, N.D.: Healing Crohn's/Ulcerative Colitis with the Ketogenic Diet
This is the story of Karl Goldkamp, N.D., a naturopathic physician, who had some personal tragedies in his life. In short order, his beloved brother, who he supported with natural medicine, finally died of mutliple myeloma. His mother also passed. And his wife was found to have a benign brain tumor. That and the bankruptcy of his Connecticut business led him to severe stress, and an extremely severe case of Crohn's/ulcerative colitis. He tried conventional therapy and that didn't work. While feeling better after a blood transfusion, he sought out answers, and decided to do FMT, fecal microbiota transfer. The donor was his wife! (She recovered from her brain tumor.) This held off the acute symptoms. Then he researched and went to conferences, and learned all about the ketogenic diet. When he started eating this way, his Crohns/colitis completely resolved, and he has no signs or symptoms to this day. He and his wife Judy are mostly carnivores; most days they eat only animal protein, like steak, bacon and eggs, and they have homemade mayonnaise, and very small amounts of vegetables in relish form. They have also come up with a C8 fatty acid, C8-Keto, which is ketogenic friendly and an energizing source of fat. Karl now counsels people on the application of the ketogenic diet for health. Karl also engages in high intensity interval training and feels more fit and healthy than he did in his 20's!
Radio Naturopath Episode 175: Walnuts, The Keto Diet, Knee Bursitis, and Kidney Stones
You OMEGA-3, you! You reduce inflammation and help people think more clearly! You're also found in WALNUTS, which look like little brains, and therefore are good brain food! Monounsaturated fats in general are great. We also wander over to look at how the popular Keto Diet works, with all that fat. I also have a little bursitis in my knee so you should know how to help that too. And how to treat and prevent KIDNEY STONES, ow! DRINK MORE WATER.
Radio Naturopath Episode 131: Interview with a Fungster, Scot Brown: All About the Ketogenic Diet for Fat Loss, Reducing Inflammation, and Neurological Health
Today we had Scot Brown, and his husband, Pilo as guests. He is originally from Plainfield, CT but has been living many years in Amsterdam. Scot discovered the Ketogenic Diet to deal with obesity instead of having gastric bypass surgery, and lost 100 lb! He got so excited he studied with Jason Fung, M.D., in Toronto, a big proponent and teacher of this way of eating. You eat a lot of healthy fat, do some fasting, and eat relatively low carb and grain free. He feels that it helps him to be joyful, in addition to all the other health benefits! Great for diabetics, neurological conditions, mental illness, and much more.