Radio Naturopath
Radio Naturopath Episode 214: The Return of Karl Goldkamp, N.D.: More About Healing with the Ketogenic Diet!
Once again, I interview my friend and colleague Karl Goldkamp, N.D. again, who talks more about the ketogenic diet and how it can be helpful for inflammatory conditions. He also talks about how it works in terms of macronutrients, and the hormones insulin, glucagon and cortisol. It seems that it's not right for everyone but it's EXACTLY right for some. Thought-provoking, radical and interesting!
Radio Naturopath Episode 155: Radio Naturopath Episode 155: Keto Diet, Opioid Addiction, Apple Cider Vinegar, and More: Most Googled Questions of 2017!
Apparently, lists are all the rage. (You won’t BELIEVE #6!) So, I looked up the most Googled health questions of 2018, and answered them! Stuff like: what’s the keto diet? What’s opioid addiction? What is lupus? Why is coconut oil bad for you? (It’s NOT, unless it is!) What’s apple cider vinegar good for? Also, there was a call about my take on the flu shot, so I once again reminded people of the pros and cons, especially just because you’ve gotten the shot, doesn’t mean you have a free pass, and you still have to take care of your immune system, take your elder syrup, use your neti pot and gargle!