Radio Naturopath
Radio Naturopath Episode 455: Lyme and Bartonella and the Long Haul
This week, we talked about the long haul and Lyme disease. The idea is that you have to treat for a long time, some say at least a year, and definitely until you have been symptom free for 2 months. Treating for that long can be WEARING, but to successfully treat this sticky, insidious, difficult illness requires tenacity! It is understandable that people get treatment fatigue. To do it right, especially if you're trying to avoid or minimize the use of antibiotics, it seems you have to take a lot of stuff! But I'm going to stick it out until I figure it out, and hopefully can get back to riding my bike when I want, however I want. Not to mention enjoying the rest of my life!
Radio Naturopath Episode 431: Help for the Lyme-Bartonella Herx, Aging Gracefully, Ageism
This week, I talked about the slug through healing a long term illness and how frustrating it can be. Are my symptoms part of the healing process? Or are they evidence that I'm not doing enough? Should I be doing something else? Should I justg be patient? So hard to know! I talked about the concern with adding antibiotics to a long term tick borne illness protoocol.
We continued with our series on healthy aging, talked about more things that are helpful such as staying active, drinking water, getting proper rest, having a positive attitude. We also discussed the problem with ageism, how there is an excess of it in the United States but not so much in other countries, like Japan, where they have terrific longevity. The most important thing is to have a positive outlook on aging!