Radio Naturopath
Radio Naturopath Episode 408: More Herniated Disc Tips, What Is Inflammation?
This week, I did an update on more things I learned about herniated discs. Water, rolled up towels, no flexion, keep exercising! It's all hear. Then we moved on to inflammation: what it is, how to measure it, what are the different tests for it. Next week we'll talk about how to fix it!
Radio Naturopath Episode 407: Natural Care for Herniated Discs
This week, I'm still talking about backs and back pain, and focusing on the herniated disc. There's still lots you can do short of getting conventional medicine care. Massage, chiropractic, stretches, physical therapy, acupuncture, all kinds of supplements. Float tanks, swimming and other water exercises. And lots of core exercises to prevent it from happening again! Lots of nerve-healing supplements, like B vitamins, acetyl-l-carnitine, and phosphatidylserine. The thing that is the hardest: PATIENCE and time, to do it right, child! (a little Wilburys there)