Radio Naturopath

Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 386: You May Still Want To Protect Yourself From COVID-19

This week, we talked about our update coming out of COVID-19, and how we might still want to protect ourselves from getting it. People are not as concerned about it as they once were, since more people who get it now how some kind of immunity, whether through vaccination or past infection. But if you DON'T want to catch it because you're concerned about your health or for someone you care about who you'll be around, you still may want to protect yourself! Here's some things to consider.

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Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 271: COVID-19 Safety Reminder, Bowel Habits During Travel, Gout

I gave a review of good COVID-19 safety practices, reminding everyone that the way we're still spreading this virus is spending time with too many people in close quarters, especially indoors and without masks. This is not a great time to go to bars or attend parties, and probably not even to eat in restaurants! The virus will die out without hosts, so if we mask, sanitize, limit how many people we come in contact with, and do it in a safe way, the virus will eventually die out. We are by no means there yet, so all those practices still need to be followed. 

Ron asked a great question: why do my bowel habits change when I travel? Mostly because of the stress of not being in your own, safe bathroom! Also diet change to some extent, but I think it's mostly that we need to feel safe when we're in the bathroom, and the hotel or highway bathroom doesn't cut it!

I talked about gout: what it is, where it tends to occur, how to eat and drink to prevent it, and some meds and supplements that are used. 

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Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 248: The Latest on Coronavirus; Elderberry for Nerve Pain, Cinnamon and Ginger for Diabetes and Inflammation

The 2020 Coronavirus outbreak is not only historic in its scope, but in the response to it. I’ve never seen such an intense global response to an illness. Conferences, sporting events, concerts, public events canceled. Universities and schools shutting down for the semester. People being encouraged to practice social distancing, stay home more, only go to the doctor if it’s a real emergency, change travel plans. Businesses being affected, including my own. And the big question: how long will we be in this status? We try to sort through the info glut for some basic practical information.

Also, elderberry is good for nerve pain, ginger for inflammation, and cinnamon for diabetes!

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Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 247: Yet More Coronavirus, Heart Healthy Foods

This week we reviewed the wonderful Know Your Farmer Fair, where I got a great pair of alpaca wool gloves, some fire cider, and a horse hair bracelet. We got to talk with local farmers about their wares! Ron and I both had a great time.

I talked YET MORE about the coronavirus, elaborated on herbs for different purposes: ginger and turmeric to reduce inflammation, marshmallow root, elecampane and mullein to stop viruses from sticking to mucous membranes, echinacea, mushrooms, and eleuthero to support the immune system. We also talked about whether you need masks, washing your hands, and resting. We just have to see what happens as more people contract the virus, or if efforts at containment are successful. 

I also talked about great heart healthy foods! Walnuts, olives and their monounsaturated fats; berries and cherries and anthocyanins; and COCOA FLAVONOLS. Yum!

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Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 237: Obesity and Flu Susceptibility, HDL and Cholesterol Efflux Capacity, Why Thanksgiving is Good For You!

I read an interesting article about how obesity causes people to have more difficulty fighting influenza, and to make antibodies when given the flu vaccine, so I talk about other steps that you can take. It’s not just about how much HDL you have, but how efficiently your HDL removes cholesterol from your arteries, known as Cholesterol Efflux! Also, health benefits of all your favorite Thanksgiving foods.

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Radio Naturopath Episode 138: Help for Cold, Flu, and Tummy Bug Season!

What goes along with the beginning of the school year? COLDS, FLUS, and STOMACH BUGS. A reminder to get outside for your immunity and health, and simple ways to prevent them, including hand washing, neti pots, and good food. Also some ways to fight them once they arrive, and how your immune system works. 

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