Radio Naturopath
Radio Naturopath Episode 450: Brain Freeze, Hydration, Summer Heat, Bug Spray
I thought it would be useful to review help for surviving the heat. We talked about BRAIN FREEZE, which has real medical causes but is generally not a terribly serious condition! We also talked about hydration, how to keep cool in the heat, natural sunscreens like titanium dioxide and zinc oxide, and natural insect repellents like lavender, garlic, cinnamon, lemon eucalyptus, and rose geranium. It's that time of year!
Radio Naturopath Episode 449: Supplements and Herbs for Hypertension; Energy Drinks
This week we got a little more into herbs and supplements for high blood pressure. Lots of people struggle with it, even while on meds. There are so many causes and you can help it from a number of different directions, and these can help. So can basic lifestyle changes like more rest and sleep, eating lots of produce, and limiting sugar, caffeine, and processed foods. We also talked about Energy Drinks: yay or nay?
Radio Naturopath Episode 402: Herbs and Foods for High Blood Pressure and Heart Health
This week in our series about cardiovascular health, we talked about herbs and foods that can lower blood pressure. A lot of foods have properties that are similar to calcium channel blockers, like the commonly prescribed amlodipine. Magnesium, eugenol from thyme, and celery seed all have constituents that has those properties! Other herbs are diuretic or nitric oxide enhancers, and still more reduce inflammation and aid with strengthening blood vessels. They all help!
Radio Naturopath Episode 398: More on Cholesterol, Cardiovascular Health and Women
This week, I talked more about cardiovascular health especially as it relates to women. Women can have different symptoms of cardiovascular disease than men, especially if they are having a heart attack. We try to help you understand the signs and symptoms! Lots of herbs for heart health. Also, some other cardiovascular markers.
Radio Naturopath Episode 372: Is the Pandemic Over? Flu Shot? Natural Cold/Flu Remedies!
Today we talked about the nice weather and the coming dark. Then we launched into whether the pandemic is really over, and it turns out it's not a simple answer. The World Health Organization and the CDC don't announce it. It's basically over when people start acting like it's over, whether or not there are still a lot of cases out there. In that sense, it's kind of over. But people are still catching COVID-19, and some are getting very ill with it. We're each left to our own discretion as to how we handle it. We discuss how one might do that.
Should you get a flu shot? Maybe. Probably. Are there natural ways to manage the cold and flu season? Of course. There are no guarantees but there are great ways to manage your path through the season. Hint: don't throw out those masks yet. Here's some natural remedies to help you through!
Radio Naturopath Episode 339: Natural Therapies for High Blood Pressure
This week it was all about hypertension. How it's so common, how you can't tell who's going to have it, how there's a big genetic component. There's foods you can eat, supplements to take, exercise to do. And there's even herbs and supplements that have similar mechanisms to common hypertension medications! It can be hard to treat but not impossible.
Radio Naturopath Episode 328: Happy Hanukah Foods, Mosquitoes, Green Tea and Weight, Memory
This week Ron asked me a bunch of questions again, and I talked about why Hanukah foods are good for you! Potatoes, sweet potatoes, raspberries, yogurt and apples. We also discussed the number of pesky mosquitoes this year, green tea and weight loss, and memory. Eat your blackberries!
Radio Naturopath Episode 314: Lyme Disease 2021: Update on Prevention and Treatment
This week, I did a review of Lyme disease recommendations for prevention and treatment. I've been seeing more people with Lyme disease lately, and lots of people getting tick bites or pulling them off animals. We've had a lot of rain and dampness and that's an ideal breeding ground for ticks. With such an extreme focus on COVID-19, people may have forgotten that tick borne illness is not cancelled! So, discussion of antibiotics, keeping your yard trimmed and safe, insect repellent, and natural prevention and treatment of tick borne illnesses.
Radio Naturopath Episode 312: Organic On a Budget, Onion, Broccoli, and Pigments
Today I discussed ways to make organic produce more cost effective: things such as buying local, frozen, store brands, and more. I also talked about choosing organic produce that is more likely to have significant amounts of pesticides if not organic, and buy non-organic for items with heavy skins and peels, as recommended by the Environmental Working Group.
We also discussed why particular vegetables and constituents are good for you: onions, garlic, and other alliums, cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and cauliflower, and those colorful pigments you find on your vegetables.
Radio Naturopath Episode 309: SWEAT: Why It's Good For You, When It's Too Much
This week, I talked about a subject dear to my heart, and to heated folks everywhere: SWEAT. We discussed why it's good to sweat, how it helps with detoxification, how it cools you down, why it stinks, and help for making it stink less. We also talked about hyperhidrosis, that condition where you sweat too much, and the various causes and remedies for that.