Radio Naturopath
Radio Naturopath Episode 395: Chronic Illness in Kids, Fascial Trauma, Lyme & COVID-19, PANS-PANDAS
This week, we talked some more about the amazing info I got at the CNPA conference. There is so much information it's going to take at least 3 or 4 shows to fit it all in! Debby Hamilton, M.D. talked about how the pesticide glyphosate can affect young nervous systems, as can electromagnetic fields. There was a great talk about how trauma can be held in our fascia, our connective tissue, and how to release it. Then Myriah Hinchey, N.D., who is expert in tick born illnesses, talked about the similarities between inflammation in COVID-19 and Lyme. Lindsay Wells talked about treating PANS and PANDAS, psychiatric syndromes usually in children that can follow infections with staphylococcus or streptococcal bacteria. More to follow next week!
Radio Naturopath Episode 387: Help for Colds and Flus 2023
This week we delved more into the cold and flu season, which is not over, and gave various recommendations for prevention and treatment. This doesn't get old, because we keep catching these things, COVID or not! One teaser: MUSHROOMS. Eat them! They are great immune boosters.
Radio Naturopath Episode 340: Craniosacral Therapy; Natural Help for Cervical Dysplasia
This week, I talked about cranio-sacral therapy, its origins in osteopathic medicine, how it works, how it's helpful. A great, non-invasive, relaxing therapy that can benefit most people! ESPECIALLY great for headaches.
In advance of International Women's Month, I talked about one women's condition, cervical dysplasia and how natural medicine can be helpful. It's fairly common, can be easily treated if caught early, and natural medicine can really help!
Radio Naturopath Episode 287: New Year's Goals, Intermittent Fasting and Fat Loss
Today we talked about New Year's resolutions, and also intermittent fasting. Only part of intermittent fasting is really about the temporal nature of it; the rest is common sense about how to eat and exercise. So we went through the whole thing again because it bears repeating.
We also had a few good tidbits from Dr. Alan Gaby's store of great information. Elderberry, pomegranate, and almonds!
Radio Naturopath Episode 283: Happy Hanukkah! Our COVID-19 Quarantine and Helpful Supplements, Pelvic Pain
Last Thursday, Ron had an acute GI bug, from which he recovered very quickly. However, unknown bugs are COVID-19 until proven otherwise. Here's how Ron and I handled it; it included getting tested and quarantining! I also answered a listener's questions about supplements to help to prevent or mitigate the illness.
Happy Hanukkah! I talked a little about that.
I also did a review of pelvic pain and natural treatment, as taken from Lise Alschuler's lecture at the NHAND conference.
Radio Naturopath Episode 280: CDC on How COVID-19 Is Spread; It's 11:11; Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding
This week I talked about the CDC's statement on how COVID-19 is spread, basically being exposed to aerosols, worse if unmasked, within 6 feet of an infected person for more than 15 minutes. Droplets are easier to avoid, and fomite spread, although possible, is not as significant. I also talked about the discussion around taking elderberry for COVID-19, and the advice is mostly favorable.
It's 11:11! Some people feel like there is a spiritual significance to this.
The main topic today was dysfunctional uterine bleeding. I'm seeing it more in my practice, so I thought I'd discuss it more. Of course, help for it is multifactorial, and involves diet and lifestyle change, exercise, and nutrition and homeopathy.
Radio Naturopath Episode 277: Should You Get The Flu Shot? Feeling Down? Maybe It's Acedia
This week, Ron really wanted to know if he should get a flu shot, since Medicare and the media are marketing to him that he's high risk and should absolutely get one. I discuss the pros and cons of getting one, and remind everyone that a flu shot is NOT a pass, you still have to take care of your immunity and follow COVID-19 and other hygiene and nutrition precautions! I talk about some supplements to take for possible flu prevention.
I also talked about that feeling that a lot of people have during the pandemic, ACEDIA. There was a great article posted by Jonathan Zecher. It's a kind of spiritual ennui, a deep directionlessness and angst. GREAT.
Radio Naturopath Episode 248: The Latest on Coronavirus; Elderberry for Nerve Pain, Cinnamon and Ginger for Diabetes and Inflammation
The 2020 Coronavirus outbreak is not only historic in its scope, but in the response to it. I’ve never seen such an intense global response to an illness. Conferences, sporting events, concerts, public events canceled. Universities and schools shutting down for the semester. People being encouraged to practice social distancing, stay home more, only go to the doctor if it’s a real emergency, change travel plans. Businesses being affected, including my own. And the big question: how long will we be in this status? We try to sort through the info glut for some basic practical information.
Also, elderberry is good for nerve pain, ginger for inflammation, and cinnamon for diabetes!
Radio Naturopath Episode 246: Know Your Farmer Fair 2020, More on Coronavirus, Why Chocolate is Good For You
It’s the 2020 Know Your Farmer Fair! It’s at Town Hall in Willimantic, CT. It’s a great way to get to know the local people who grow your food! There will be produce, meat, eggs, cheese, honey, maple syrup, and jams and jellies for sale. I had a question about more info about the coronavirus, so I discussed it some more. You also get to hear how Ron and I met! And, the health benefits of chocolate.
Radio Naturopath Episode 245: Natural Treatment of Bronchitis, Shingles, and Type 2 Diabetes
I wasn’t on last week because of bronchitis! Will I get to have a year that I don’t catch this malady? Anyway, I rested, ate soup and drank tea, and took immune and lung herbs, and mucolytics. Joe from Coventry wrote in wanting to know about natural treatment for shingles, and Karen from the internet wanted to know how to help her family eat better for Type 2 Diabetes. A good listen!