Radio Naturopath

Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 409: Disc Bulge Update, COVID-19 Reminder, Anti-Inflammatory Foods

This week we updated about my injuries, the bulging disc, femoral nerve impingement, and sprain/strained knee. It's TIRING. But, onward with rest, PT, walking, swimming, craniosacral therapy, and supplements. I'm going to start Green Lipped Mussel! Anti-inflammatory and helps to rebuild joints! We also updated about COVID-19; at the moment, cases are pretty low in Connecticut but I have some patients who have been exposed or are catching it. I'm seeing some folks wearing masks in public places, I reminded us all about cleaning our noses and throats, good nutrition, rest, exercise, and a few supplements. Then we talked all about anti-inflammatory foods, like berries, cherries, oily fish, and broccoli!

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Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 406: Spinal Stenosis, Herniated Discs and How to Help Heal Them

This week, of course, we talked more about spinal stenosis, which I hope I don't have. I'm guessing I don't because I did not have nerve symptoms until about 2 weeks ago, so mine is from an acute injury. There's a lot that you can do shy of getting surgery, which often has a 4-6 week recovery time and risks. You can stretch, ice, heat, take anti-inflammatory meds, eat an anti-inflammatory diet, do yoga, meditate, do yoga nidra, go to the chiropractor, get massage, acupuncture, and much more! When a nerve is involved IT JUST TAKES TIME. And I am impatient! Who wants to be in pain and laid up? Anyway, I'll do all the things, and report back.

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Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 340: Craniosacral Therapy; Natural Help for Cervical Dysplasia

This week, I talked about cranio-sacral therapy, its origins in osteopathic medicine, how it works, how it's helpful. A great, non-invasive, relaxing therapy that can benefit most people! ESPECIALLY great for headaches.

In advance of International Women's Month, I talked about one women's condition, cervical dysplasia and how natural medicine can be helpful. It's fairly common, can be easily treated if caught early, and natural medicine can really help!

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Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 207: Alternative Medicine and Thinking Beyond Opioids

On March 6, 2019, I had the privilege of speaking on a panel at Eastern Connecticut State University called A Wellness Approach to Pain: Thinking Beyond Opioids. I talked about some statistics on opioid use and abuse in the US. I mentioned how naturopathic principles can help with chronic pain. Then I talked about how NSAIDS and acetaminophen are actually more effective than opioids, although problematic. I talked about the effectiveness of physical medicine, like acupuncture, massage, physical therapy, and chiropractic, and how those things are not readily accessible due to doctor and patient attitude, poor insurance coverage, and high cost. I talked about how certain supplements, stress reduction, and diet change can all help with chronic pain. And I presented that if people in general had easy, regular, affordable access to physical medicine, it would go a long way to reversing the opioid crisis.

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