Radio Naturopath

Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 445: Helminths, Naturopathic History, Natural Hormone Replacement

This week, I had MORE to talk about from the CNPA conference. So much great stuff! I started with Lyme disease causing arrhythmias. Lindsey Wells talked about the use of HELMINTHS, yes, WORMS, as a probiotic treatment epecially in the autism spectrum, and for PANS and PANDAS. Then we moved on to a GREAT talk from my friend and classmate Lorilee Schoenbeck all about the history of naturopathic medicine. Way to get inspired again! Then Robyn Kutka gave a great talk about natural hormone replacement therapy. Seems we don't need to be as cautious as we thought, and it can be very helpful!

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Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 208: Help Allergies with Herbs; Guide to Bioidentical Hormones for Menopause

It’s time for SPRING! This week I reminded people that if they are sneezing, there IS tree pollen in the air, and they might want to break out the neti pots and xylitol nasal spray. And drink nettle and eyebright tea, and eat local honey!

The main topic was bioidentical hormone replacement therapy for menopausal symptoms. If you've tried the natural stuff and it just wasn't working, it might be time to try bioidentical hormones. I talk about the difference between horse-extracted, synthetic, and bioidentical hormones, and why it's better to go bioidentical. I also talk about which hormones to take and where, whether it's testosterone for sex drive, topical estrogen cream, or oral for everywhere. In 2 weeks I'll review delivery systems.

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