Radio Naturopath
Radio Naturopath Episode 483: Prebiotic for Teeth, More Osteoarthritis, Exercises and Health
This week, we gave a little advice on the use of toothpaste with prebiotic to support healthy probiotic in the mouth. Then, we went on to discuss more about osteoarthritis. We gave more information about supplements. We also discussed the important topic of balance and how as the age, people have difficulty rising from seated and lying down. Ron is going to teach clinics on how to get up from the ground if you've fallen! And one of the reasons people fall is because they're lightheaded from being dehydrated, so we talked about making sure to drink and adding electrolytes. I talked about how a regular practice of yoga can be really helpful; something as simple as the regular practice of sun salutations keeps you able to get up and down from lying on the ground to standing.
Radio Naturopath Episode 447: More Medial Collateral Care, Microbiome, Sleep and GABA
This week., I am STILL limping on that MCL sprain/mensicus issue! More interesting stuff, like having to use a hinged brace, heavy and hot in June! And more staying off the bike. I was a lot better a few days ago and rode a couple of days and now I'm set back; obviously not healed yet. HInged brace, exercises, rest, ice, elevation, specific exercises. Unlikely need for surgery! We also went back to discussing the microbiome, GABA, and sleep, and there are easy ways to improve sleep by eating the right foods and getting the right probiotics. We touched on help for high blood pressure and we'll pick up on that next week.
Radio Naturopath Episode 446: Natural Help for Sprain/Strain, GABA, the Microbiome, and Sleep
This week, I talked about my knee injury! There are great natural ways to help with knee pain, as long as the injury isn't TOO severe. I had marked knee pain for a few days that rapidly improved with the right care! Rest, ice, compression, elevation. Helpful salves. Chiropractic and acupuncture. Kinesio tape! PT exercises. All good stuff! Also, it's strawberry season, and the first strawberries have come out. Here's why they're good for you! We finished with starting to review one more talk from the CNPA summit, about GABA, the microbiome, and sleep. Did you know that Camden, NJ and Detroit, MI are the worst places to try to get enough sleep? I wonder how that compares to East Windsor, NJ, where I grew up???
Radio Naturopath Episode 409: Disc Bulge Update, COVID-19 Reminder, Anti-Inflammatory Foods
This week we updated about my injuries, the bulging disc, femoral nerve impingement, and sprain/strained knee. It's TIRING. But, onward with rest, PT, walking, swimming, craniosacral therapy, and supplements. I'm going to start Green Lipped Mussel! Anti-inflammatory and helps to rebuild joints! We also updated about COVID-19; at the moment, cases are pretty low in Connecticut but I have some patients who have been exposed or are catching it. I'm seeing some folks wearing masks in public places, I reminded us all about cleaning our noses and throats, good nutrition, rest, exercise, and a few supplements. Then we talked all about anti-inflammatory foods, like berries, cherries, oily fish, and broccoli!
Radio Naturopath Episode 407: Natural Care for Herniated Discs
This week, I'm still talking about backs and back pain, and focusing on the herniated disc. There's still lots you can do short of getting conventional medicine care. Massage, chiropractic, stretches, physical therapy, acupuncture, all kinds of supplements. Float tanks, swimming and other water exercises. And lots of core exercises to prevent it from happening again! Lots of nerve-healing supplements, like B vitamins, acetyl-l-carnitine, and phosphatidylserine. The thing that is the hardest: PATIENCE and time, to do it right, child! (a little Wilburys there)
Radio Naturopath Episode 405: Supplements for Atherosclerosis; Spinal Stenosis and Disc Disease
Today we talked about a few supplements for atherosclerosis, then went on to discuss back issues. We're "back" to spinal stenosis, which is what my mom has, and herniated/bulging discs, which is what I have. There's lots you can do shy of surgery. My mom is having minimally invasive injections to her spine; I'm trying to avoid that, and taking supplements like magnesium, curcumin, SPMs, and phosphatidylserine. I'm also having chiropractic and did a float tank, where you lie in a bath with 1100 lb. of Epsom salt and float for an hour! NO PAIN the whole time you're in there! It doesn't fix it immediately but it helps a lot. I also have been doing Yoga Nidra which reduces the pain through stress reduction. I'll keep us posted on all the things I try.
Radio Naturopath Episode 391: Back Pain: The Ol' Reach 'n' Seize; ApoB100 and Cardiovascular Health
Last week, I did the ol' Reach 'n' Seize with my low back. You know how you were just fine a minute ago, then you reached for the mayo in the fridge and your back just SEIZED UP and now it hurts to tie your shoes? Well, I did that a week ago, only I was on my bike trainer and reached for the iPad. I was very fortunate to be able to see the chiropractor that day. I talked about what can lead up to that, how to prevent it, and nutrition, exercise, and topicals to use to help it.
We then finally got started on cardiovascular issues, and focused on Apolipoprotein B100. This is an important measure that most doctors don't do. Specifically, if your doctor is about to order you statins or you've already been diagnosed with cardiovascular disease, it's important to know your ApoB100/ApoAOA1 ratio. The ApoB carries LDL, while A carries HDL, which is cardioprotective. If you have high cholesterol but also a low ApoB/A ratio, you have much lower cardiovascular risk! More on cardiovascular issues next week.
Radio Naturopath Episode 370: Prevention and More Natural Back Pain Help, RIP Chris DiPaola
This week it's Back to the Back. Back pain is so prevalent and it's such a big topic that I talked about prevention, and also went in depth regarding my ER visit. Yoga, tai chi, planks, core exercises, herbs, diet, REST, all of these are helpful for back pain!
I also did a tribute to my dear friend and colleague Chris DiPaola, who died suddenly on Friday morning, October 14. He was 49 years old. He founded the radio station WBLQ in Westerly, RI, where I broadcasted Radio Naturopath from 1999 to 2001. He was very kind to me and took me on the day that he met me, and it was a lot of fun being part of the WBLQ family. He started WBLQ as a community station, and over the years was able to get a better spot on the dial and realized his dream of becoming a commercial station. He was a pillar of the Westerly community, involved in local business and charitable causes. I and the rest of teh WBLQ community are shocked and heartbroken at his loss.
Radio Naturopath Episode 355: Why You Sleep Too Much, All About Bursitis
We had a question about hypersomnia, that is, when you consistently sleep in excess of 9 hours, and you're still tired. Many conditions cause this, from sleep apnea to hypothyroid to nutrient deficiencies. We tackle them all! Then, we talked in depth about bursitis, a condition that affects nearly 9 million people in the USA. It's the inflammation of the tissues of the sacs surrounding joints. It's treatable but it takes some care!
Radio Naturopath Episode 330: Home Physical Medicine, Women's Probiotics, My Current Take On The Pandemic
This week, we talked about just a few things: Ron had a slip and fall injury about two years ago, hit his head, his right shoulder blade, and maybe more. He got checked out at the ER to see if he had a concussion and they sent him home. He hasn't been getting regular care for his resultant, ongoing shoulder pain due to cost. We talked about some things he could do at home to help with pain and healing. We also mentioned some probiotics that can be helpful in protecting against vaginitis in women. We finished with the current status of the pandemic. Ron went on a bit of a rant in that too many people aren't wearing masks in indoor public spaces, and if they would it would go a long way to calming down the pandemic. We were in a very good place in Connecticut with low case numbers in the summer and then they shot up again since the cold weather has come. Some schools have even gone to remote learning because of case numbers. it's exhausting and frustrating! We go through some of the reasons and things that can help.