Radio Naturopath

Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 293: Visiting When You're Not Vaccinated, Liver Friendly Foods

Today we discussed whether it's a good idea to visit your vaccinated family if you are non-vaccinated, and the short answer is maybe. The vaccine isn't 100% effective, you can still transmit it, anyone under 16 can't get vaccinated at all, and transmission levels although lower are not dramatically lower. So if you visit, you still have to mask, distance, and wash. And if you're leaving Connecticut for more than 24 hours and going anywhere that's not New York, New Jersey, or Rhode Island, you need to fill out a DPH travel form when you return, then quarantine for 10 days or have a negative COVID-19 test within 72 hours of arriving in Connecticut to avoid quarantining.

We talked about how to keep your liver healthy and liver-friendly foods too!

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Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 255: Coronavirus and Masking; Where We Stand; Foods That May Block Corovirus Cell Binding

Today I talked about how people criticize folks who wear masks in their cars and encourage them to not be so judgy. I talked about my current position on the pandemic, which is basically to focus on everyday, practical information that can help my friends and loved ones, patients, and even me! I also talked about the studies on how reproductive hormone therapy may be helpful to fight the virus. And a number of natural compounds from food that compete for binding sites on cells and make protect people from serious illness! Also, is carbonated water good for you?

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Radio Naturopath Episode 147: Everyday Detox: Tips on Keeping Toxins Out!

Everyday Detox. Things you can do most of the time to keep toxins from staying in your body. Eating clean healthy food without chemicals, sweating through exercise or saunas, drinking lots of clean water, making sure your water is clean. Making sure you have good probiotics on board to prevent you from reabsorbing toxins tagged for excretion! We have to live in this environment, but we can work to change it and in the meantime keep ourselves as healthy as possible! 

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