Radio Naturopath Episode 481: Caffeine Withdrawal, Measles Outbreak, Tallow vs. Seed Oils for Frying
Radio Naturopath Episode 449: Supplements and Herbs for Hypertension; Energy Drinks
Fran Storchenergy drinks, caffeine, hypertension, blood pressure, hawthorn, amla, garlic, magnesium, calcium channel blockers, angiotensin receptor blockers, ACE inhibitors, Coenzyme Q10, melatonin, yoga, rest, cardamom, cinnamon
Radio Naturopath Episode 441: More on PCSK-9 Inhibitor Myopathy, Caffeine Health Effects
Fran StorchPSCK-9, evolocumab, alirocumab, femoral nerve, resveratrol, proteolytic, milk thistle, caffeine, adenosine, epinephrine, adrenaline, coffee, tea, matcha
Radio Naturopath Episode 434: Health Benefits of Sex, Increase Libido Naturally
Fran Storchsex, oxytocin, cortisol, epinephrine, adrenaline, anxiety, depression, Cardiovascular, caffeine, coffee, green tea, black tea, white tea, insomnia, libido, yohimbine, yohimbe, damiana, tribulus, chocolate, beets, beet juice, Weight Training, strength training, yoga, testosterone
Radio Naturopath Episode 426: Too Much Caffeine and Sugar, Maintaining Healthy Bones and Osteoporosis
Fran Storchosteoporosis, bone density, vitamin K2, vitamin D3, calcium, magnesium, protein, resistance training, strength training, caffeine, sugar, dysautonomia, POTS
Radio Naturopath Episode 390: Eat to Increase Your Metabolism and Burn More Fat!
Fran Storchcaffeine, coffee, Polyphenols, catechins, oolong tea, matcha, green tea, cacao, cocoa, cayenne, capsaicin, beans, legumes, resistant starch, beta glucan, prebiotics, probiotics, metabolism, weight loss, fat loss
Radio Naturopath Episode 378: Happy Hanukkah 5783! Better Sleep, Natural Light for Health
Fran Storchsleep, melatonin, Circadian Cycle, screens, screen time, television, TV, light, dark, daylight, caffeine, Hanukkah, Chanuka, latkes, sufganyot
Radio Naturopath Episode 328: Happy Hanukah Foods, Mosquitoes, Green Tea and Weight, Memory
Fran Storchpotatoes, sweet potato, apples, applesauce, greek yogurt, green tea, weight loss, mosquitoes, memory, ginkgo, gingko, blackberries, bacopa, curcumin, matcha, caffeine, garlic, citronella
Radio Naturopath Episode 319: Migraines: Ocular, Common, Classic, and Help for Prevention and Treatment
Fran Storchmigraine, aura, scotoma, butterbur, feverfew, Vitamin B2, riboflavin, magnesium, acupressure, acupuncture, massage, physical therapy, chiropractic, hydration, coconut water, cactus water, exercise, rest, yoga, cortisol, stress, stress reduction, tyramine, caffeine, ergot derivatives, sumatriptan, serotonin, headache
Radio Naturopath Episode 293: Visiting When You're Not Vaccinated, Liver Friendly Foods
Fran Storchliver, hepatic, NAFLD, steatosis, milk thistle, artichoke, silymarin, COVID-19, vaccine, vaccination, travel advisory, quarantine, beets, carrots, lemons, artichokes, coffee, caffeine, green tea, black tea, white tea, triglycerides, fat, essential fatty acides, mufa, omega 3, omega 6, omega 9, olive oil, fish oil