Radio Naturopath

Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 467: Osteoarthritis: What It Is and How To Help It

I went to the orthopedic physician this week and I wanted to give an update on my experience. I would say it was relatively positive! There's no rush to give me injections or surgery, and I am to use exercises to strengthen my knees. I talked about what osteoarthritis is and various ways to treat it, both conventionally and naturally. This week: collagen, curcumin, and injections, and riding my bike!

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Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 372: Is the Pandemic Over? Flu Shot? Natural Cold/Flu Remedies!

Today we talked about the nice weather and the coming dark. Then we launched into whether the pandemic is really over, and it turns out it's not a simple answer. The World Health Organization and the CDC don't announce it. It's basically over when people start acting like it's over, whether or not there are still a lot of cases out there. In that sense, it's kind of over. But people are still catching COVID-19, and some are getting very ill with it. We're each left to our own discretion as to how we handle it. We discuss how one might do that.

Should you get a flu shot? Maybe. Probably. Are there natural ways to manage the cold and flu season? Of course. There are no guarantees but there are great ways to manage your path through the season. Hint: don't throw out those masks yet. Here's some natural remedies to help you through!

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Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 346: How to Digest Your Beans and Veggies; Low FODMAPs

Since it's spring and we're all trying to eat a little healthier and get more produce in, I talked about how to make it easier to do that. Not everyone digests beans and vegetables well, but there may be some things you can do short of not eating them at all! We talk about easing into it, soaking, slow-cooking, and sprouting beans, and which foods to avoid or eat if you have trouble with FODMAPs, fermentable carbohydrates. Hopefully this advice will help people to eat their fruits and veggies more!

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Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 259: Wear Your Mask, Screen Time and Health, Insect Repellant, Repairing Your Joints

This week, once again I cautioned people about running out too soon and continuing to take coronavirus seriously. I cautioned about wearing masks and wearing them correctly, respecting others' comfort level, and using caution about gathering in large groups.

We also discussed ways that screen time can be bad for you! Did you know that many adults spend as much as 11 hours/day looking at screens? This would be especially true if your job requires it. It can affect the emotional development in kids, and the ability to pay attention in anyone. So limit screen time and find ways to enjoy the IRL world!

We reminded folks once again that when you're outside you need to be mindful of ticks, and the good things that can act as natural insect repellants. Also, a nice review of current supplements that can help to repair joints. 

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Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 243: Dr. Oz vs. Mark Wahlberg: Should You Skip Breakfast for Health and Weight?

Mark Wahlberg and Dr. Oz got into it! I think it’s pretty funny but it’s a topic worth discussing. They both got into their corners and said Everyone Should Do Things This Way. The thing is, they’re both right! Dr. Oz thinks you should skip breakfast, because he believes in intermittent fasting. I think there’s benefit to it too. It makes sense to wait until you’re actually hungry to start eating for the day. You also spend a significant amount of time in a low insulin state, which allows your body to do repair, reduces inflammation, and forces your body to burn more fat. However, if you’re like Mark and you have found that your healthy workout is supported by eating a certain way before that workout, then have at it! Mark is presumably very healthy and has found a way of eating that supports him and his workout. The point is not to take a side, but do what makes sense for your body. Dr. Oz is also correct in stating that most people are NOT like Mark Wahlberg. Ron found some CDC stats that said that only 23% of Americans get enough exercise to make a difference in their health, which means 150 minutes/week of moderate or 75 minutes/week of high intensity cardio, plus 2 sessions/week of resistance training. So the VAST MAJORITY of Americans are NOTHING like Mark! So Dr. Oz makes a point in that most people would benefit from doing things the way he suggests. But you should always do what makes you happy and healthy, whatever that is!

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Radio Naturopath Episode 151: Hurray for Jones, Remembering Myron Storch, Flu Vaccine Only Gives 10% Protection??

Today's Radio Naturopath did a Hurray for Justice since we have No Moore and Yes Jones in Alabama. I also remembered my father a bit, since this is the first anniversary of his death on December 13, 2016, and a little about grief. Then I went on to rant about the 10% success rate of the flu vaccine, and reminded people that if they get a vaccination, it doesn't just give them a pass to be cavalier about catching stuff. You still have to neti, gargle, take elder, exercise, rest, and eat your veggies! 

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Radio Naturopath Episode 134: Diverticulitis, WHY and HOW to Get Started with Exercise

Michele from Tolland called and asked me to talk about diveriticulitis, so I waxed eloquent about the subject, and even explained the difference between diverticulITIS and diverticulOSIS. Then, a treatise on WHY and HOW to get started with exercise! It reduces morbidity and mortality AT LEAST from heart disease, diabetes, obesity, mood, and much much more! 

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