Radio Naturopath
Radio Naturopath Episode 328: Happy Hanukah Foods, Mosquitoes, Green Tea and Weight, Memory
This week Ron asked me a bunch of questions again, and I talked about why Hanukah foods are good for you! Potatoes, sweet potatoes, raspberries, yogurt and apples. We also discussed the number of pesky mosquitoes this year, green tea and weight loss, and memory. Eat your blackberries!
Radio Naturopath Episode 235: Eat Less Starch and Sugar, Wilson's Sydrome and Hypothryoid, Herbs for Cognition
I kept hearing these PSAs about eating meat as a condiment instead of the main part of your meal, but I have observed that most people overeat starch and sugar, not meat! Use THAT as a condiment! More great topic review from the NHAND Conference! This time, we discuss highlights from Denis Wilson, M.D.’s talk on Hashimoto’s and hypothyroid. We talk about raising body temperature and a few details I didn’t know about how the thyroid works, and some treatment options. Also, Mary Bove, N.D. has some recommendations for herbs to help with cognition.