Radio Naturopath

Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 412: Supplements for Autoimmune Conditions, Autoimmune Protocol Diet

This week, I gave more update on my orthopedic and autonomic conditions. Slow going and I am impatient! I want to be back on my bike! This is a long-haul situation, so I just need to be patient.

I talked about various supplements that can be helpful for folks with autoimmune conditions. Curcumin, boswellia, and rosemary, among others, can all be helpful for calming the fire of an overactive immune system. I also talked about the Autoimmune Protocol diet, a healthy, cleansing diet for autoimmune conditions that would really help with any condition at all! Focus, of course, is on whole, unprocessed foods, and avoiding grains, beans, seeds, and anything processed for a period of time. After symptoms have abated, you can try to add back in foods that you miss. 

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Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 363: Why You Should Practice Deep Breathing, What Is Fatty Liver?

This week we started out by discussing why deep breathing is good for you. There are so many reasons, but the main ones are that you lower cortisol, which in excess is destructive to body tissues, and you increase the amout of oxygen that goes to your brain and all of your organs, causing them to all function so much better! We discuss deep breathing anytime anywhere, guided meditation, counted breathing, diaphragmatic breathing, and more. Such an easy way to improve your health!

We then started a discussion of fatty liver, what it is and how it happens. We'll get into a discussion of how to fix it next week. The liver is amazingly resilient!

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Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 340: Craniosacral Therapy; Natural Help for Cervical Dysplasia

This week, I talked about cranio-sacral therapy, its origins in osteopathic medicine, how it works, how it's helpful. A great, non-invasive, relaxing therapy that can benefit most people! ESPECIALLY great for headaches.

In advance of International Women's Month, I talked about one women's condition, cervical dysplasia and how natural medicine can be helpful. It's fairly common, can be easily treated if caught early, and natural medicine can really help!

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