Radio Naturopath

Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 445: Helminths, Naturopathic History, Natural Hormone Replacement

This week, I had MORE to talk about from the CNPA conference. So much great stuff! I started with Lyme disease causing arrhythmias. Lindsey Wells talked about the use of HELMINTHS, yes, WORMS, as a probiotic treatment epecially in the autism spectrum, and for PANS and PANDAS. Then we moved on to a GREAT talk from my friend and classmate Lorilee Schoenbeck all about the history of naturopathic medicine. Way to get inspired again! Then Robyn Kutka gave a great talk about natural hormone replacement therapy. Seems we don't need to be as cautious as we thought, and it can be very helpful!

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Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 444: CNPA Conference 2024: Crohns/UC, Cancer, Ticks, Herbs for Heart Health

This week, I am fresh from the Connecticut Naturopathic Phyiscians Association conference. So much to learn! I did a redux of the first few talks. We started with inflammatory bowel disease, moved on to natural treatment of cancer, then tick borne illness, then a great talk about herbs for cardiovascular disease. I am so grateful to my colleagues for putting together such helpful, informative talks!

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