Radio Naturopath

Cari Nadeau Cari Nadeau

Radio Naturopath Episode 168: Stress Drinking In the Gray Zone, Green Tea, Acai, and Antioxidants

This week it's about the antioxidants, but also about the wine. Some people are in the gray zone with drinking. We focus on stressed out moms who use a little too much wine as a coping mechanism. It's a MEME, but if you're drinking 2-3-4 drinks most nights of the week, even if you're functioning, it's probably affecting your health. It affects energy, sleep, thyroid function, weight, and sex drive. We explore how! Also, part of a series on antioxidants. Why tea (white, green, black) is good for you, and why acai berry, that great fruit from the Amazon, is also good for you!

acaialcoholalcoholismantioxidantsdrinkingenergyFran Storchgray zonegreen teaMegyn Kellymommy burnoutORACRon ManizzaSex DriveSleepthyroidwine


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