Radio Naturopath

Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 347: Happy 4/20! All About Cannabis, Marijuana, CBD, THC for Health

This Wednesday is 4/20/22, so I thought it only fitting to talk about the latest on cannabis! I talked about the history of the use of 4/20. I also talked about the many health benefits of CBD, THC, and CBD's parent compound, CBG. They all can be helpful for things like anxiety, depression, seizures, pain, insomnia, cancer treatment, high blood pressure, and more! I talked about some health caveats and drug interaction issues. I also talked about the status of legalization in Connecticut.

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Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 301: Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 Vaccine and Blood Clots, Happy Cannabis Day!

This week I talked about the blood clotting situation with the Johnson & Johnson and Astra-Zeneca COVID-19 vaccinations. In the US, the J&J vaccination administration has been put on pause until the government knows who can safely take this vaccine. It's because of an exceedingly rare, but often deadly condition involving platelet factor 4 complexes, antibodies, and blood clots to the brain and gut that uses up platelets and increases bleeding likelihood. The likelihood of getting these rare disorders from these vaccines is astronomically lower than getting these conditions from actually having COVID-19. Having said that, YOU don't want to be the one to have this condition, so the CDC is figuring out who has the most likelihood of getting these disorders and will recommend that those folks take Pfizer or Moderna instead, which are not showing these side effects. it's problematic because these single-dose, easliy refrigerated vaccines are the answer for disadvantages populations here and abroad. It's likely that they'll be re-approved for specific populations.

Tuesday, April 20 is Weed Day! It's the day to celebrate cannabis. We talk a little bit about access and health benefits.

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