Radio Naturopath
Radio Naturopath Episode 435: Ron's Cholesterol and Thyroid Labs, Bicycle Positioning and Sciatica
This week, Ron handed me his recent blood work and had me talk about it. We talked about his elevated TSH and how his doc needs to adjust his thyroid medicine. We talked about his target-low cholesterol numbers, and how his Repatha drug is starting to give him a lot of side effects. We talked about the mechanism of that. We also answered a question from a listener about whether cycling negatively impacts sciatica, and how it's necessary to get the position right on the bike and also do stretch and strengthening exercises.
Radio Naturopath Episode 403: Natural Help for High Blood Pressure, Hawthorn, Amla
This week, I reviewed natural ways to help with high blood pressure. We talked about the controversy over salt, the DASH diet, and a couple of herbs that can help hypertension, amla and hawthorn. It all gets down to eating healthy, getting exercise, and reducing stress!
Radio Naturopath Episode 401: Vaginal Dryness, Tick Repellent, Heart Healthy Foods
This week I talked about three topics. The first is one especially important to peri- and post-menopausal women, vaginal dryness. There are some simple things you can do to help, and not necessarily hormonal! The second is TICKS. My patients are coming in with tick bites and frank Lyme disease. We discuss how to prevent getting them on you, how to look for them, and natural tick repellents. The third is a long list of heart healthy foods! Lots of things that you can eat and generally help your heart to be healthier, and some that are actually studied to do great things like lower LDL, increase LDL size, raise HDL, lower triglycerides, improve endothelial function, and lower blood pressure.
Radio Naturopath Episode 400: Starch, Sugar, Fat and Cholesterol; Two Newer Drugs
This week, I talked about how starch, sugar, saturated and hydrogenated fats affect cholesterol. It's not as simple as you think! Saturated fat is NOT shown to be that bad for cholesterol, and too much starch and sugar are what mostly raise it. Hydrogenated fat too! We help you sort through that. We also talk about two newer cholesterol lowering meds, bempedoic acid and the PCSK-9 inhibitors. Are they any better than statins? Hmmm.
Radio Naturopath Episode 398: More on Cholesterol, Cardiovascular Health and Women
This week, I talked more about cardiovascular health especially as it relates to women. Women can have different symptoms of cardiovascular disease than men, especially if they are having a heart attack. We try to help you understand the signs and symptoms! Lots of herbs for heart health. Also, some other cardiovascular markers.
Radio Naturopath Episode 393: Statins, Ezetimibe, PCSK-9 Inhibitors, Cholesterol and Health
This week I continued with my series on cardiovascular health. We explored how statin drugs work to lower cholesterol and how they cause detrimental side effects. We talked about another commonly used drug that also has side effects, ezetimibe. And there's the somewhat newer PCSK-9 inhibitors, which lower cholesterol by an alternate mechanism. For some people, they have less side effects, but not necessarily. We also began to discuss some of the natural ways to lower cholesterol, and some cholesterol testing besides the common LDL, HDL, and triglyceride testing that can go deeper into helping the decision on whether to medicate.
Radio Naturopath Episode 392: Overdoing It; Statins, Side Effects, Anti-Inflammatory Alternatives
We talked about how it can be easy to overdo it when the weather gets nice all of a sudden. Make hay while the sun shines, right? We get really industrious and want to take care of our WHOLE yard. Or we go from riding one hour at a time on our indoor bike trainer to riding 62 MILES. And then we wonder why we're sore all over, hurt our back, or are super exhausted! It's OK to take it easy and ease into the outdoor joys of the season.
We also continued our series on cardiovascular health. Today we focused on statin drugs: how they work, their side effects, and how to reduce inflammation in other ways. Cardiovascular health is a very rich topic so we'll be getting into this for a few more weeks!
Radio Naturopath Episode 357: Yin Yoga For Your Back, Eggplants and Berries Are Good For You
Today I talked more about yin yoga and how it's a simple thing that most people can do especially to help improve their back health, Great relaxing and stretching! I also talked about the Bounty of the Season. I started off with eggplant, just because it will be available soon and it's surprisingly good for you. I moved on to EVERY BERRY: blueberry, strawberry, blackberry, and also cherries! High in antioxidants and great superfoods, and so many great ways to eat them this time of year!
Radio Naturopath Episode 334: Are Eggs, Red Meat, Red Wine, and Saturated Fat Good For You?
Today we talked about food! There ARE actually health benefits to eggs, red meat, and red wine, and it looks like saturated fat isn't really the thing that raises your LDL cholesterol. Naturally, if eggs are free range, if beef is grass fed, if you drink wine in moderation, they are likely good for your health! There are some reasons that are NOT directy eggs or meat that may skew the numbers in the wrong direction. And saturated fat is generally not going to affect your cardiovascular health. Because it's saturated, it doesn't tend to oxidize and therefore damage your blood vessels!
Radio Naturopath Episode 321: Dietary Fats and Your Health
This week I talked about fats. Essential fatty acids, saturated, monounsaturated, polyunsatured, medium chain triglycerides. Certain fats are really good for your health, and certain fats really aren't. You need to eat healthy fats for cellular and body structure and to prevent inflammation. We talk about the different kinds of fats and where they're found in your food.
We also started with an update on Ron and his health, and how reducing his dose of metoprolol helped him to feel better.