Radio Naturopath

Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 438: Musculoskeletal Side Effects of Repatha, Cordyceps, Sida acuta

Poor Ron. He had to get off his bike after less than 2 miles on a gravel ride. The evolocumab is still exerting its effects. We're thinking critically about the mechanisms of action of his musculoskeletal distress and responding accordingly. We are reducing inflammation, helping him to rebuild muscle, offering items to reduce the risk of atherosclerotic buildup, and something to help to break down any leftover drug in his body based on the pharmacokinetic of the compound. We are hoping he will be back to riding happily in a few weeks! Meanwhile, we also continue on the health benefits of cordyceps and my new friend, the mallow Sida acuta. 

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Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 430: Lyme, Bartonella, Lymphatic Cleansing; Supplements for Healthy Aging

This week we talked about how to keep the lymphatics flowing, especially with tick borne illness. Float tanks, epsom salt baths, lemon water, skin brushing, herbs, all great! Also getting back to cardio exercise. Move it! We also talked about a number of supplements that can be helpful for healthy aging. I am particularly impressed with EGCG from green tea which is a great antioxidant, helps with healthy gene expression, may be cancer protective, and improves mitochondrial function, which means it can improve energy. All good stuff! 

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Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 410: Anti-Inflammatory Herbs and Supplements

This week I gave more updates on my disc, how PT went, and my return of dysautonomia symptoms, which we think might be Lyme disease. We're going through steps to help with that. Then we talked more about inflammation: great supplements and herbs that can help, and there are a lot of them! From curcumin to rosemary to holy basil to ashwagandha, we've got them all!

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