Radio Naturopath

Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 177: Treat the Whole Person, Treat the Whole Knee, Drink Some Green Tea

Radio Naturopath Episode 177
Fran Storch

TREAT THE WHOLE PERSON, a very important concept in naturopathic medicine. I used atrial fibrillation and cardiac arrhythmia to illustrate this principle. Everything in a person's life can affect his/her whole health, so knowing how someone is spending their time, how they work, play, exercise, what stressors are happening, what their environmental exposures are all play into any conditions about which they're concerned! Also, update on my knee: EXTREME athletic tape that's meant for sweating, swimming, showering, and other events involving water is ideal! It comes in black. Also, black. And if you'd like another option, it's BLACK. Speaking of black, that's one of the colors the plant CAMELLIA SINENSIS comes in. I am still surprised to find out that people don't know that white, green, black, and oolong tea are all the same plant! So I discussed their benefits. 



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