Radio Naturopath

Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 192: Best Time to Sleep, Stress is Good For You, Probiotics and Weight Loss, All About Biotin

Radio Naturopath Episode 192
Fran Storch and Ron Manizza

A little about the circadian cycle: should EVERYONE sleep from 10/11 pm to 7/8 am, or are there genetic variations? Stress can be GOOD for you. Rise to the challenge! Did you know there's a probiotic that may help with weight loss? And a nut? And Biotin can help you in so many ways. It's not a good thing to be without! 

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Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 191: NHAND Conference 2018 Highlights: Menopause, Holistic Dentistry, Adrenals

Radio Naturopath Episode 191
Fran Storch

I just got back from the NHAND (New Hampshire Association of Naturopathic Doctors Conference) 2018, and as usual learned lots of stuff. Today I focused on Dr. Robin DiPasquale's discussion of menopause: help from the gemmotherapies vaccinium, rosemary and dogwood; help for hot flashes; Dr. Thom's discussion of holistic dentistry, including whether fluoride is good for you, disrupting plaque, and taking out amalgam fillings. Also, don't just treat the thyroid, treat the adrenals! 

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