Radio Naturopath Episode 251: Coronavirus: Basic Supplements and Possible Drug Therapies, Lifestyle Changes, Kindness

This week, I focused on the basic supplements that are thought to be helpful, emphasizing that there is no one thing that has been definitively proven to eradicate SARS-CoV-2. We are using common sense with things that work for viruses in general. The same goes for the use of pharmaceuticals, although there are some clinical trials on hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin, and a new drug called APNO1. It's still necessary to wash, rest, and physically distance. 

I also discussed the importance of exercise, clean eating, and cleaning the nose, throat, and of course hands. I finished with the importance of kindness at this time.


Radio Naturopath Episode 252: Happy 4/20! Cannabis, Coronavirus, Inflammation; Obesity in the USA


Radio Naturopath Episode 250: Coronavirus and Telehealth; Your Health and Going Outdoors!