Radio Naturopath Episode 202: Eat and Dress For the Cold, New Testing and Treatment for Cholesterol

We've got the Polar Vortex, so I remind you to get out the fleece, wool, shearling (can be cotton or synthetic! WISH IT WAS HEMP) Cover up and wear those thermal shirts! I can't live without them. Also, some great things to eat and drink, like soup, spicy, and Mexican hot cocoa! That's cocoa with added cinnamon, ginger, and cayenne. I like mine with turmeric too!

I also did a review on cholesterol! What it is, what it does, and some neat new tests that go beyond just what the volume of cholesterol is in your blood. 


Radio Naturopath Episode 203: Interview with Diane Dorfer, Jiff Martin and Sydney Clements: CSAs and Get to Know Your Local Farmers!


Radio Naturopath Episode 201: New Blood Test for Alzheimer's Plus Natural Treatments; Get Rid Of That 4 Week Cough and Cold